Page 69 of Harder Betrayal

These sorts of calls happened all the time. I was used to them.

We pulled up to my apartment, and Bartholomew walked me to the front door. For a man so dangerous, he had the manners of a gentleman. Breath escaped his nostrils like vapor, and he stood on the threshold with his hands concealed in his pockets.

I got the door unlocked. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

He remained in place, staring.

I knew he had something to say. He just needed to decide when to say it.

“Our business relationship has concluded.”

First, it was shock. Then it was panic. “But our contract hasn’t expired…”

“I’ve agreed to sublease it.”

“Sublease? What does that mean?”

“Someone purchased the remainder of your contract for a generous fee.”


He leaned against the wall and crossed his ankles.

I didn’t want anyone else. I wanted Bartholomew. “You—you did this without asking me.”

“For what it’s worth, I said no at first. But the guy wouldn’t let up.”

“Who’s the guy?”


“I said, who’s the guy?”

He gave me a hard stare. “You know who it is.”

Cauldron. “No…”

“I’m sorry. He gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

“But I don’t want him. I want you.”

A half smile moved on to his lips. “Wow, I think I’m blushing.”

“Undo it. Please.”

“I’ve already accepted the money.”

“Aren’t you a billionaire?” My voice became shrill as the panic took over. “What do you need money for?”

“He offered me something besides money.”


He gave a slight shrug. “It wouldn’t interest you.”

“Tell me.”

“Well, he offered to kill someone for me.”