Page 32 of Harder Betrayal

He finally arrived at the chair across from me and took a seat.

I actually stopped breathing because I was so nervous. I wasn’t sure what I felt—attraction or fear.

He didn’t seem to feel anything at all. The strained silence seemed to invigorate him rather than cause discomfort. He must have moved his ankle to the opposite knee because his hand gripped something below the table, probably the inside of his knee. He was relaxed but tense at the same time, pulling off both moods simultaneously.

I waited for him to speak first because I honestly had no idea what to say.

He didn’t say a damn thing.

I remembered I was the one who was supposed to earn the client, so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I’m Camille.”

He wore a look on his face, as if he was saying,Go on.

“I’ve been out of the game for a while…”

“Doing what?”

“A long-term contract.” My relationship with Cauldron was so brief, I wasn’t sure what to call it. In retrospect, it seemed like a summer fling. Once the cold weather arrived, our heat froze.

He was so still, his chest not even rising with the breaths he took. His body was fully covered by his clothing, but the tightness of his forearms suggested how tight he was everywhere else. His chest filled out his shirt like a concrete wall, and his neck had the same kind of cords as his arms. “Why did that expire?”

“I-I didn’t want to marry him.” This guy didn’t seem interested in long-winded explanations, so I kept it as brief as possible.

He gave no reaction at all.

“What are you looking for, exactly?”

His eyes shifted away as he became lost in thought. His jawline was so sharp, it reminded me of jagged glass. There was a soft shadow along the skin, like shaving that morning wasn’t enough to keep the darkness at bay. One second turned into several, and then his eyes shifted back to me. “A woman who can keep up with me.”

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I was that woman. His vibe was more mysterious than a black hole. “I don’t do beatings or chokings. I don’t do chains or whips. So, if that’s what you’re into, I suggest you go to another table.”

“Then what are you into?”

“Me?” I asked in mild surprise. “I don’t think it matters what I’m into.”

“I don’t think you would be in this line of work if you didn’t somewhat enjoy it.” His eyes were trained on me the entire time, hardly blinking, just laser focused. It reminded me of the way Cauldron used to stare at me. But at least I could read his look. This guy was an utter mystery.

It took a long time for me to find a good answer. “A man who’s selfless in bed.”

He stared and stared.

I wasn’t sure if I should keep talking. “What are you looking for? You’re the one who walked through that door.”

He broke eye contact again, taking his time to craft his response. “I have a lot of social events on my calendar. As I’m sure you’ve surmised in this brief interaction, dinner parties and charity events aren’t my forte. I want a woman who can deal with all the bullshit so I can focus on what matters.”

“So…you don’t want me to sleep with you?”

His eyes shifted back to me. After a long stare, he gave a shrug. “That’s optional. Not mandatory.”

That was the very last thing I expected. “And you want to pay me to do that?”

“I wouldn’t want you if you were free.”

In disbelief, I stared.

“Unlike these other assholes, I don’t have a problem getting laid.”

I believed that.