Page 25 of Harder Betrayal

“I was kinda wondering if you could get me a job…”

* * *

We met up at a café, and she sat across from me in her athleisure like she intended to hit the gym after our conversation. Even without makeup, she could turn heads with that shiny hair and hard body. “I’m just a little confused. You know what I do for a living, right?”

“Yes. But you’re top tier. Premium status. I want in.”

“Um…” With her hand on her coffee, she tried to think of what to say. “Camille, I know you’re going through a hard time, but this isn’t the answer.”

Guess that meant Grave hadn’t told her that we had a lot in common. “I’ve been in this business for five years. I’m not new to the game. Just getting back to work. But I want to work at a higher level. Grave told me how much he pays you, that you can have a nice apartment in one of the best neighborhoods, that you can afford a nanny and a good car. So I want in.”

Elise couldn’t hide her look of astonishment. “You—you’re a whore.”


“So, was Cauldron paying you?”

“No. That was real. Well…it was real for me. Not for him.”

She stared at me harder. “I had no idea.”

“So, can you help me out? Introduce me to your handler?”

“I mean, you’ve got the looks for it. These kinds of men don’t want a woman who looks like a whore. They want a woman who looks like a supermodel—and you fit the bill. Yes, I can make the introduction. Now that Grave is my full-time client, Jerome could probably use another girl.”

“That’s great. Thank you so much.”

“But…are you sure you and Cauldron are done?”

Just hearing his name pushed me to the edge. “Oh, I’m sure.”

Her eyes flicked back and forth between mine.

“He doesn’t want me. And even if he did, he’s betrayed me too many times. I’m ready to move on with my life.”

“Really? Because you look a little dead behind the eyes…”

Yep, I know.

“I just want to make sure this is what you want. Because once you’re in…it’s hard to get out.”

“I know it is,” I said. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“What is it?”

“Don’t mention this to Grave.”

“Why?” she asked immediately. “Why wouldn’t you want Grave to know?” Her voice changed, a subtle tone of anger in her voice.

“Because he’ll tell Cauldron, and I don’t need that asshole in my business.”

She immediately deflated like a balloon, slowly coming back down. “I can do that.”


She continued to stare at me, searching for something in my face.

I waited for her to speak her mind.