Page 44 of Harder Betrayal

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Scream. Scream. Scream.

Then the cries abruptly stopped.

But the thuds continued.

I knew that man’s skull was stomped into pieces. Blood everywhere. His body lifeless.

I jabbed the button on the elevator and prayed for those doors to open. Gotta get the fuck out of here. Finally, the doors slid open, and I headed for the SUV that was still waiting. I hopped inside, and the driver gave me a peculiar look, like he didn’t know what to do.

“Just take me home.”

I wasn’t the boss, so he made a quick call. He must have gotten Bartholomew’s approval because he hung up and took me to my apartment.

* * *

A couple hours later, a knock sounded on the door.

It was midnight.

Who the fuck would be on my doorstep at this time of night?

Cauldron was the first person to pop into my head, but I knew that was the wrong answer.

My phone lit up with a text.We need to talk.

It was Bartholomew.

Did he come to make good on his threat?What do you want?

To talk—like I said.

I didn’t know what to do. I was two seconds away from calling Grave.

I would never hurt you.

Not what you said earlier…

I fight men with fists, but I fight women with words. Unless they try to kill me… That’s a different story. Now, open the door.

I stayed on the couch.

I’m trying to be a gentleman by not kicking down your door, Camille.

I’d watched him kick a skull in, so I knew that threat wasn’t empty.Coming. I opened the front door and saw him in his leather jacket. He must have changed because his clothes weren’t stained with blood…and other things.

His calm stoicism had returned.

With one hand on the door, I stared at him.

He stared back. “Are you going to invite me inside?”

I stepped aside and gestured for him to enter the apartment. “Are you a vampire?”

“I’m neither dead nor alive, so maybe I am.” He stepped into the main sitting room and took a look around, but he didn’t issue any compliments.

I followed him, arms across my chest, a little uncomfortable wearing my pajamas around him. “Why are you here?”