That was as close to the truth as I would let her get.
“And he’s still in love with you.”
“No, he’s not, Elise.”
She wouldn’t look at me. “I’m a fucking rebound.”
“That’s not true.”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And why you stayed at his apartment for so long…”
“I had nowhere else to go,” I said. “That’s all.”
“He walked into the bar looking for a whore to make him forget the woman he really wants.”
This was going to shit. “Elise, listen to me.”
She continued to look out the window.
“Girl, look at me.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and finally met my look.
“Cauldron dumped me because I told him I loved him. I went to Grave’s apartment because I had nowhere else to go. Depressed, I made a pass at him…just to do something to hurt Cauldron…”
Her eyes remained sharp like daggers.
“And he shot me down. No hesitation. Said I was nothing compared to you.”
Her face was hard as stone, her feelings buried deep inside.
“So maybe we had a relationship before, but he’s made it clear he’s in a relationship with you now. He doesn’t want me, Elise. So don’t get hung up on the past.”
She looked out the window, her arms tight over her chest.
I waited for her to say something, but there was just silence.
I shouldn’t have called her.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” She slowly turned back to me, her voice delicate like a wilted flower. “Like I said, there’s no going back. I canceled my contracts to be with Grave, and I’m still paying for that decision.”
I nodded. “I’m absolutely sure.”
She searched my gaze for confidence. “You don’t want to find someone and settle down?”
I released a pained laugh. “I used to. I thought Cauldron was that someone, but I was wrong. It was a stupid dream. Really stupid…”
I didn’t see her over the winter holiday. Her kids were home for the week, so I just figured she didn’t have time for me. She didn’t contact me, so I assumed that was true. But once the kids were back at school, I still didn’t get a text from her.
When are you coming over?Her kids had her for a week. Now it was my turn.
That message went unanswered for nearly the entire day, which was unusual.
I felt ghosted.