Tam’s lips pinched. “I can’t imagine she’s the one responsible for what happened. Finbar probably found out about the relationship and used it as an excuse to kill Harvey. The girls in the traveller community often marry young. Hearing that Harvey used one of their girls and then went on to marry someone else would have been like spitting in her face. If they were the ones to kill Harvey and set off that bomb, we can’t just let them get away with it.”

“If they were the ones to set the bomb,” Jayden said, anger flashing in his eyes. “I want to do more than warn them off.”

Tam nodded. “And then what?”

Jay glanced over at me. “Then Ivy and I are leaving London.”

Around the room, mouths dropped open.

“No, you can’t,” Hallie cried. “This is your home.”

Jay took my hand and squeezed it. “It’s not safe for us here. We don’t want to raise this baby looking over our shoulders the whole time.”

“You think Greyson Gilligan will come after you?” Leo asked.

“I think they’ll do everything they can to tear us apart.”

“Then it’s the Gilligans who’ll need to leave, not you.” Tam glanced at me. “Sorry, Ivy.”

I didn’t know what to say. My chest ached because I was losing my family, but what could I do? They’d chosen their hatred of Jayden over their love for me. If Bruno had simply accepted our relationship and not gone to threaten Jay, he would still be alive today.

My family blamed me for my part in what had happened without ever bothering to look at themselves.

Chapter Twenty-Six



“IDON’T WANT YOU TOgo,” Ivy said, kissing me again.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

I felt like I was forever saying sorry to her. I’d do my best, once this was taken care of, to never do anything I’d have to apologise to her for again.

I kissed her hard, then pressed my forehead to hers. “Take care of the little bean while I’m gone.”