Tam shook his head. “I tried, but she’s away with her family. She won’t be back for a few days.”

“What about Leo? Is he coming in with Kaja?”

I thought Tam could probably do with the support of his brother rather than it being me.

Tam blew the air out of his lungs. “Yeah, they’ll come in the morning. They wanted to let things settle down before we start crowding Hallie. She’s going to be feeling pretty rough and probably frightened, too, when she wakes.”

“She needs to know the baby is alive the second she wakes up. She won’t know what happened and all she’ll realise is that she’s not pregnant anymore, and she’ll want to know what’s happened to her baby.”

He blinked back tears. “She doesn’t even know it’s a baby girl. I tried to tell her, but I don’t think she was really conscious.”

It felt strange to have someone like Tam leaning on me. One minute, he’d been ready to throw me out, the next I’d been practically handing him a tissue. I envied him, though. He knew exactly what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to tell Hallie either. I wanted what he had, even with the pain and fear of loss.

A family of my own.

Chapter Fourteen



I’D CALLED JAYDEN ANDmessaged him but hadn’t heard anything. That was unusual. He was normally the one who messaged me first thing, telling me he missed me and wanting to know when he’d get to see me again.

Worry wound through me. Was he okay? I couldn’t hide from the fact that he was in a dangerous business, but it wasn’t something we talked about. We were from opposite sides of the street, and truth be told, I didn’t want to know. I’d never want to be accused of leaking information he’d told me back to my family, and I wouldn’t want to hear something that would put me in the middle either.

It was another thing I didn’t want to think about.

I forced myself to go into uni and attended my lectures. I tried to concentrate on what my professors were saying, but I kept checking my phone, hoping for a message to come through. Minutes ticked by into hours, and my stomach knotted tighter and tighter.

There was no one I could call to check that he was okay. If I did, people would instantly start asking questions. Jay and I weren’t supposed to even really know each other outside of knowing that we existed. If I contacted anyone at all to ask about him, they’d want to know why I was interested.

I had no choice but to be patient and hope he got in touch soon. I also kept an eye on the local news for any reports of shooting or violence in the city. Unfortunately, this was London, and violence was a common occurrence.

I dragged myself through the day.

After another lecture had finished, Kyle caught up with me. We’d barely spoken since that night at the pub, and, to be honest, that had been perfectly fine with me.