My family loved me in their own, strange way. I just had to hope that love was stronger than the hate they had for Jayden Wynter. Ultimately, they’d want me to be happy, wouldn’t they?

Jay returned to the bed.

I twisted towards him. “You know you’re not the only one who’s going to need to use the bathroom. I’m going to have to move eventually.”

He laughed. “Okay, I’m not going to hold you hostage. Shall I order some food in?”

My heart sank. “I can’t stay. My family are going to be watching my every move right now. I’m going to need to swing by the library on my way home so I can justify where I’ve been.”

His face fell. “Fuck. I wish you could stay here all night. I want to be able to wake up with you in my arms.”

“I want that, too, but I need to go.”

I thought he was going to give me an argument, but he didn’t. “Okay. Is there anything I can do? I can call you a taxi?”

“No, I’m fine. I’ll just use the bathroom and get dressed, then I’ll make my way back to North London.”

I got up from the bed and his cum slid down the inside of my legs. He caught me in a bearhug, pressing his nose to my hair.

“Jay,” I protested. “I’m going to make a mess of your carpet.”

“I don’t care. I wish you could stay.”

“I wish the same, but I can’t.”

And he let me go.


ILEFT JAY’S HOTELand caught the Tube to my university campus. It was harder for someone to keep track of me if I used public transport. I’d worn the disguise while leaving the hotel, but as soon as no one else was around, I whipped it off again and stuffed it back in my bag. I didn’t want anyone asking why I was wearing it.

After a brief stint at the library, I went back to my house.

My eldest brother, Bruno, was already there, waiting for me.

I threw my keys down and sighed. “Is this how it’s going to be now? Will I always have someone here making sure I get home on time?”

He checked his watch. “Is this on time? Where have you been?”

“At the library. Just like I always am.”

Bruno snorted. “You really expect me to believe that. I know you can be a bit of a nerd, but you’re not that much of a loser.”

“I’m not a nerd or a loser!”

“Always got your head in a book.”

“I know how to read,” I snapped. “Maybe you should try it sometime. Might expand your brain a bit.”

He caught me in a headlock and dug his knuckles into my scalp.

“Bruno!” I protested. “Get off!”

He gave me one final knuckle to my head and then released me. I jerked away from him and straightened, shoving my hair back.

I hoped I’d managed to distract Bruno, but he was his typical dog with a bone.

“You know I’ll be able to contact the library to see if you did check in when you said you did.”