“They made an alliance, you know that.” She arched an eyebrow. “Are you going to make a pact with my father?”

I started back at her suggestion. “Fuck, no.”

She shrugged and moved even farther away from me. “Well, there you go then.”

My cock ached. I wanted her so badly, but at what cost? There was no chance I was going to come to some sort of agreement with a man I believed responsible for murdering my father.

“What about you?” I threw out there. “You could be the one to walk away from your family.”

It was a ridiculous suggestion, and I knew it the moment the words came out of my mouth. How could I ask her to do such a thing, and for what? Just so I could get my dick wet? Why the hell would she ever agree?

Ivy clearly thought the same.

“What is it you want from me, Jay? It’s just sex, right? You’re lonely, and I like how you make me feel. But let’s not pretend this is going to lead to anything. We’re both young, and if you think I’m going to betray my whole family for a fuck, you’re greatly mistaken.”

Ouch. I was too proud to admit it to her, but that stung.

“I haven’t asked you for anything,” I said.

She tilted her head. “Just for me to spread my legs.”

“You seemed to be enjoying what I was doing to you. There were no worries about your family name when you were asking me to call you a good girl.”

Her cheeks flared red. “Don’t you dare try to shame me for it. How many women have you had sex with, huh? I bet you’ve had a hell of a lot more women than I’ve had men, so you don’t even get tothinkthat I’m the easy one.”

She had a point. From the age of fifteen, once I’d realised how attractive the combination of my name, money, and looks made me, I hadn’t held back. I’d fucked my way through my teenage years, growing irritated with any woman who ever showed any sign of wanting to hang around.

Was I thinking differently of Ivy? Did I want her hanging around?

I mused on the possibility for a moment. She did seem to be occupying a hell of a lot of my headspace at the moment. When I wasn’t with her, I was thinking about her. But wasn’t that more down to my loneliness than anything else? If my father was still alive, and I wasn’t bouncing around in this great big apartment all alone most of the time, would I have even given her a second thought?

I wanted her, though. Fuck. I wanted her. My wrist was aching from the amount of time I’d spent jerking myself off while thinking about her. It was like my whole being was consumed with getting my cock inside her tight little cunt.

Maybe that explained these feelings. It had nothing to do with actually wanting to spend time with her and everything to do with her being a challenge. While there was clearly chemistry between us, she hadn’t thrown herself at me, as I was used to women doing. Maybe when I eventually got to fuck her, I’d get all of this out of my system, and I’d finally have space in my head for something that wasn’t her.

Something that wasn’t her laugh or the scent of her hair or the cute pout she did when she didn’t get her own way.

My chest instantly felt hollow at the possibility.

It was just lust, that was all. Something I needed to get out of my system.

But it didn’t look as though that was going to happen tonight.

Ivy was back on her feet, gathering up her belongings.

“Don’t go,” I said. “I want you to stay.”

“Why? So you can get in my knickers?”

I put up both hands. “I’m not going to pretend I don’t want to, but I also want to just be in your company. I want to get to know you.”

She snorted, clearly not believing me.

“Okay,” I said, wanting to prove my point, “if you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?”

She narrowed her eyes at me and folded her arms over her chest. Attitude exuded from every pore, but she answered.

“Thai. Hot as I can get it.”