Jay leaned in and spoke against my ear.

“It was worth the wait,” he said. “You look incredible.”

I beamed. I felt incredible, too. I’d worked hard to get my figure back over the past few months, though I knew my body would never be quite the same as it had been before. It didn’t matter, though. Jay seemed to want me just as much as ever, and I’d happily take a rounder stomach and a few stretch marks if it meant I got to have a family of my own.

The celebrant started the service, and I held Jay’s hand as I twisted slightly to cast my gaze over the congregation. So many faces smiled back at me—Mara, holding our baby boy in her arms. Hallie, with her daughter, Madeline. Leo and Kaja sat side by side—they were both teased all the time that they would be next. Some of the friends I’d made from university were here, too. My heart still ached for Bruno and my family. I wished more than anything that things could have been different, but that wasn’t the case.

Sometimes we didn’t always get everything we wanted.

I’d always felt like an outcast, even among my own family, but here, with these people, I’d finally found my place.

Tam’s father had recently announced he was retiring, and so Tam would be at the head of the Cornell-Wynter syndicate. I’d been surprised that Jay had given in so easily about that, but he promised me he was fine. Hallie was as much as part of the Wynters as Jayden, so the Wynter family was represented.

“Anyway,” he’d told me, “I have you and the baby now. You’re my responsibility, and I want us to be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want. If we decide to get that cottage in the countryside one day, then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”

Jayden seemed more at ease with life, too. He’d always worried he’d never fully fill his father’s shoes, without ever considering for a moment that maybe he didn’t have to. Now he was forging his own way in the world, with us by his side.

After the service and reception, we had our honeymoon to go on. Everyone told us we should leave the baby behind, but we were a family now. Besides, he was a good sleeper, and I was still feeding him, so we wouldn’t be leaving him anywhere. We’d never enjoy ourselves if we were worrying about him the whole time.

The celebrant was watching at me expectantly, and I realised the time had arrived for me to say my part.

“I do,” I said, grinning at Jay. “I do, I do, I do.”


OUR STILTED HUT ONBora Bora overlooked the clear South Pacific ocean.

I stood on the wraparound balcony, leaning my forearms on the wooden railing, warmed by the bright sun. Beneath me, a shoal of brightly coloured fish darted through the water.

I’d been nervous about being so close to the sea, but it wasn’t as though baby Arthur—Art for short—could even crawl yet, so it wasn’t going to be dangerous for him. I couldn’t help my protective mothering instinct from going into overdrive, though. I still saw danger everywhere, which was hardly surprising considering how the last twelve months had been.

For the moment, though, with my new husband and new baby in this beautiful place, I felt something akin to peace settle inside me.

Jayden’s arms wrapped around me from behind, and he planted a kiss between my neck and shoulder.

“He’s asleep,” he said.

One of the things we’d liked about the hut was that it had two bedrooms. It meant we had the extra bedroom for Art, so Jay and I still had our privacy.

“Is he now?” I twisted in my husband’s arms and looped mine around his neck. “What should we do now then?”

“You know what they say? Sleep when the baby’s sleeping.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You want to sleep?”

“I want to get you in bed, but I don’t plan on getting much rest.”

I giggled. “Now that’s what I want to hear.”

His lips captured mine, and I arched against him, pressing my breasts to his chest. He caught my hair in his fingers, knotting tightly enough to tug at my scalp with just the right amount of pressure. I let out a groan, and his hands moved from my hair, his fingers brushing down my spine to come to rest on my bottom. Our kiss grew deeper until we were grinding on each other like a couple of horny teenagers.

“If I don’t get you naked in the next thirty seconds,” he growled. “I’m going to lose my mind.”

He scooped me into his arms and carried me back into the hut. I only had a bikini and a loose, almost see-through caftan over the top, so it literally took him seconds to get me naked. The bikini was held together with mere strings at the sides, which he only needed to pull for the entire thing to fall off. Jay just wore shorts—the only times he’d bothered to wear a shirt was when we’d been out for dinner—and his beautiful torso was already tanned a deep honeyed brown. I yanked the shorts from his hips so his cock sprang out to meet me, and he kicked them away.

We kissed again, and his tongue slid over mine, his teeth nibbling my lower lip. I sighed with pleasure against his mouth. He always felt so good, as though we both were made to fit together, one complementing the other.

I reached for his cock and wrapped my fingers around him, and he slid his hand between my thighs. I was already wet for him, and he stroked me open before pushing one finger inside and then adding a second.