She didn’t have to say what she was thinking out loud. We both already knew it. If I was not there, then my father and brother would likely physically force Mara out of the house and not care where she ended up. After all, they’d shown their complete lack of respect for my privacy when they’d tossed the house in search of Jayden’s key. My father believed that anything the family owned automatically belonged to him first, no matter whose name was on the deeds.

“I’ll need some help after the baby’s born,” I said. “I have no idea how I’m going to cope.”

That wasn’t strictly true. Hallie was giving me all the tips she’d learned since having her own baby. But, like me, without a mother or any sisters to help her, Hallie had been learning on the job.

I lowered my hand to the swell of my belly. I was still only twenty weeks along—just halfway—but my pregnancy was obvious now. That I was short and curvy probably didn’t help matters. If I was one of those tall, lean women, I’d probably barely have a bump, but it was like my entire body decided it was going to get round—not just my belly. Not that Jay seemed to mind. He loved my swollen body and couldn’t get enough of it. It had never occurred to me that a man might find his partner’s pregnancy a turn-on—I’d always thought it would go the other way and they’d somehow be disgusted or worried about hurting the baby—but each extra pound only seemed to make Jay want me even more. He was completely obsessed with my growing breasts, and I genuinely wondered if our baby would have to compete with him for boob time.

“I’m sure you’ll cope just fine,” Mara said. “But if you decide you need help, I’ll be here for you.”

“Thanks, Mara.”

I wondered how Jayden would feel about having a live-in nanny who was once on my father’s payroll?

We ended the call, and I checked the time. I was meeting Jayden at the hospital, and a flood of nerves combined with excitement went through me. I squeezed myself in a secret hug. We were finding out about the sex of the baby today. Neither of us had wanted to wait, and it just seemed more practical to know if we were having a boy or a girl.

I said goodbye to Hallie and Kaja and left the house with them bidding me good luck and making me promise to call and let them know the result as soon as possible. I thought they were almost as excited as I was. I drove one of the four-by-fours to the hospital, found a parking spot, paid the extortionate charge, and then went to meet Jayden by the front entrance.

He was already there, and my heart surged with love and pride that he was there, waiting for me. I noted how everyone glanced in his direction, and when he scooped me around the waist and pressed his lips to mine for a kiss, I practically felt myself glowing with happiness.

“You ready to find out?” he asked.

“I can’t wait.”

We made our way to the maternity unit, registered with the sonographer, and took a seat. Within fifteen minutes, we were called in. I kept a tight hold of Jayden’s hand as we went into the room and was greeted by the sonographer.

“Twenty-week scan,” she said.

I nodded. “That’s right.”

“Great. Hop up on here for me.” She patted the padded gurney.

I lay on the hospital bed, my top rolled up and stretchy maternity jeans pulled down. Cold gel was smoothed onto my stomach. I prayed everything would be all right with the baby. After going through so much already, I felt like we deserved this little bit of happiness.

“Do you want to know what you’re having?”

Jayden and I glanced at each other, and I nodded. “Yes, please.”

The sonographer moved the wand around. “Let’s have a look then.” She pointed out the baby’s spine, the hands and feet and head. “Aah, there we go. It’s never one hundred percent, but I’d say you’re having a little boy.”

“A boy?” I blinked back tears and locked on to Jayden’s loving gaze. “You’re going to have a son.”

He leaned down and kissed me. “We’regoing to have a son. I can’t believe how happy you’ve made me, Ivy. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

The sonographer printed out some pictures for us, and we left the hospital with me barely watching where I was going. I couldn’t take my eyes off the fuzzy black-and-white photographs. This baby was really happening. A boy. He was real to me now, not just a swell of my belly or tender breasts. There was actually another little person growing inside me. I felt like I wanted to tell everyone I passed so they were aware of this miracle.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” he told me.

We crossed the car park hand in hand. But as we reached where I’d parked, Jayden pulled me to an abrupt halt. I’d still been staring at the pictures and hadn’t looked up.

“Hello, Ivy.”

I froze. My father’s voice.

With a rock in my gut, I lifted my eyes to where my father stood beside my vehicle.

I glanced down at the gun in his hand.

He stared at my stomach. “The rumours are true then? You’re pregnant with this fucker’s baby? How could you? How could you betray the family like that?”