I couldn’t resist him.

“Ooh, something completely different to what I have now.” I lifted a clump of my long, blonde curls. “A dark, jaw-length bob, maybe, so I can strut around like a sexy businesswoman in my new glasses.”

He caught me by the waist and ducked his head to nibble my neck. “That would look so hot on you.”

I ground up against him. “Yeah, you think? You up for a little role playing? The bad boy seduces the uptight business lady?”

“Bad boy, huh?” he growled against my ear. “Is that what you think I am?”

“You’re definitely not good.”

He licked the lobe of my ear. “I’m good at plenty of things.”

How did he always do this to me? Whenever I was with him, all I wanted was to tear off his clothes and lose myself in his body. He was a drug, and I was completely addicted.

But we were also in public, and I was still fearful of someone seeing us. I wished I was someone who could give in to what they wanted without worrying about the consequences, but when the consequences were as severe as they might be in this case, it wasn’t just a matter of throwing caution to the wind.

I forced myself from his arms. “I have to go, Jay. I mean it this time.”

I glanced left and right, just to make sure we hadn’t caught the attention of anyone else. No one seemed to be looking, but that didn’t mean there weren’t eyes secreted somewhere. I thought of when he’d come to the pub that time, and the number of people who’d seen us together then.

I really was playing with fire.

“You’re killing me, Ivy,” he said, but he let me go. “I’ll have those items couriered to you later so you can come to the hotel.”

I still wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but I also couldn’t stand the thought of living without him.

Chapter Eleven



IHATED THAT THE FUCKINGGilligans were putting pressure on Ivy. I understood why they wouldn’t want her to see me—if I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want her dating someone like me either—but at the same time, it still made me furious. She was an adult, and she should be the one to get to decide who she spent time with. I didn’t want them controlling her life.

It bothered me that she’d even considered us not seeing each other. Did that mean I was in this a hell of a lot deeper than she was? I wanted her to not care about what her family thought, and we’d just deal with the consequences.