Our squeals of laughter caught the attention of most people in the bar, but in particular that of two young men. They were both smartly dressed, and in their late twenties to early thirties, and they must have decided to see if their luck was in. One came to stand to my left, while the other propped himself against the bar on Jodie’s side.

“Can we buy you ladies a drink?” the taller of the two, who was standing next to me, asked.

From his accent, he sounded as though he might be local, though his English was perfect.

I tossed my hair. “We’re more than capable of buying our own drinks, thanks.”

Truthfully, everything we had ordered had gone straight on the room, and I assumed Tam would pick up the bill.

He didn’t seem fazed in the slightest at my knockback. “I’m sure you are, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t like to treat you.”

He raised a finger at the barman, and a second later, a bottle of champagne was brought over to us. I thought I’d probably had enough champagne for the day after spending the afternoon with my brother, but the couple of drinks I’d already had weakened my resolve. Besides, it felt good to have a man regard me with a warm smile instead of a cold glare.

“Are you from Estonia?” I asked.

“Finland, actually. We’re like Estonia’s big brother.”

“Is that right?”

“And what are two beautiful English women doing here in Estonia?” the shorter of the two asked.

“I’m here with my fiancé,” Jodie said. “Sorry to disappoint.”

“Don’t tell me your fiancé is here, too.” The taller one glanced at my hand. “No ring, I see.”

Tam had never bothered to give me one. It hadn’t even occurred to me that I should either want or need one.

“I’m...here with someone,” I said, “but it’s complicated.”

His blue eyes sparked with interest. “Why would being with a woman such as yourself be complicated? As far as I can see, it’s simple. You’re blessed with the type of beauty that should be cherished—worshipped, even. What’s complicated about that?”

A flash of me on my knees, his salty cum coating my tongue, intermingled with the taste of my tears...

Jodie shot me a look of warning, but it felt good to have someone speaking about me with a positive tone. Recently, all I’d experienced from men was disdain and violence—even from my own father—and though I knew this handsome young man had sex on his mind, his open smile and flattering words put me on safe territory. I knew how to deal with men like this. I could toss my hair and bat my eyelashes and bite my lower lip. Yes, maybe he was thinking about how he could get me up to his hotel room, but that was normal. In my fucked-up view of the world, it wassafe.

I offered him a smile and tilted my head. “Nothing at all.”

He slid onto the stool beside the one I was perched upon, facing me, his elbow resting on the bar. “What’s your name?”

“Hallie. What’s yours?”

He put out his hand for me to shake. “Antero.”

I slipped my palm into his, warm and dry. “It’s good to meet you, Antero.”

He released his grip. “So, are you going to let me pour you a glass of champagne?”

I nodded at my barely touched cocktail. “I already have a drink.”

His gaze darted down to my cleavage. “You know what I’m asking you.”

“Do I—”

He suddenly lunged away from the bar, and the next moment he was on the dark wooden floor. It only took me a fraction of a second to realise Tam was in the bar with us. Antero was on his back on the floor, and Tam stood over him, his finger pointed in the other man’s face.

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” he snarled.

Antero put up both hands, though I couldn’t tell if that was in surrender or to protect his face. “No one, man. I was just buying a drink, that’s all.”