When she crossed the dining room, out of earshot, Stephen turned his attention to his confused and slowly thawing companion on the other side of the table. He was even cuter up close, with warm amber-brown eyes and full lips. Unless he had the personality of a potato, some idiot had really screwed up when it came to missing this date. This was someone Stephen would have happily hit on at a bar.

“What are you doing? We don’t know—” Cutie began in a harsh whisper.

Stephen was already shaking his head. “Nope, never met before. But I heard your dilemma when I came in. No one should have such a shitty start to their weekend.”

“Oh.” Cutie’s shoulders slumped and he glared at his drink.

Stephen slid his hand across the table toward his but didn’t touch him. It was simply to draw his eyes back to his face. “Hey, this isn’t pity. I’m the lucky one here. If this asshole isn’t smart enough to make time for someone as beautiful as you, it’s his loss and my gain.”

Cutie’s mouth formed a perfect O, and those amazing eyes went wide for a new reason. Yeah, he was simply too adorable for words, and this was starting to look like a very promising weekend.

“I suggest we have a couple of drinks,” Stephen offered, keeping his voice low so they wouldn’t be overhead. “If you want to leave, we leave at the same time, and you totally save face in front of all these people. And if you want to have dinner with me, that’s even better. No pressure whatsoever.”


“Very much so.”

Cutie shook his head and laughed lightly, seeming to relax. “This is crazy. It’s like one of those memes you read on Facebook about the perfect Meet Cute. You don’t ever believe them, but you wish they’d happen to you. Do you do this often?”

Stephen grinned. “First time. How am I doing?”

“Pretty freaking amazing. Does a cape come with this superhero act?”

“Tights are at the cleaners. I’m in Clark Kent mode right now.”

Cutie laughed again, the sound growing louder and freer. “I always thought Clark Kent was hotter than Superman, anyway.”

Of course, the guy was cute and a little geeky. Cutie was like fucking catnip. It would be just his luck for the actual date to walk in right this second, sending Stephen packing.

The server returned with his drink and an expectant look. Stephen turned the same questioning expression over to Cutie. The ball was in his court.

Cutie glanced at the menu under his hands for a second, then at Stephen, giving him a beautiful smile. “I was thinking about the mushroom ravioli.”

Stephen’s grin matched his. He hadn’t planned on a date for dinner, but this unexpected one was an excellent start. He picked up the untouched menu and held it out to the server. “Can I have the eggplant parmigiana along with a side salad? Low-fat balsamic vinaigrette, please.” Luckily, he’d been to Tuscano often enough to have the menu pretty much memorized.

The server quickly took their orders and disappeared again, leaving them alone.

A new blush was stealing across Cutie’s cheeks, and Stephen was mesmerized.

“You know, we should probably exchange names at least,” he teased, knowing it would get a reaction.

Cutie giggled and rolled his eyes. Yep, so expressive.

“Ehren. Ehren Galanis,” he said easily, seeming to no longer care who could hear them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ehren. I’m Stephen Sands.”

“Thank you for coming to my rescue, Stephen. I really appreciate it.”

Stephen sipped his beer and smiled. “Trust me, I still think I’m coming out ahead on this one. I just stopped in for a drink at the bar and a takeout order. Now I’ve got an adorable date to share dinner with.”

Ehren made a skeptical face. “You don’t know me. I could be the worst date ever.”

“Go ahead,” he dared with a wicked grin. “Do it. Prove me wrong. Be the worst date ever. You have no idea what kind of bad dates I’ve had.”

A dismissive snort jumped from Ehren’s throat. “Please, look at you. I bet you’ve never been stood up in your life. Tall, sexy, with great hair and a killer smile.”

Stephen leaned forward and placed his elbow on the table. With his chin in his hand, he slowly grinned. “Go on. Tell me more.”

Ehren blushed again, but he was also laughing. That was a very good sign. Stephen loved a guy who could laugh, even at himself.

“I have been stood up several times, mostly because my so-called date found someone hotter and easier,” Stephen confessed, wanting to put Ehren more at ease. “The last time I was stood up was for my father’s wedding.”


Stephen waved it off. “It wasn’t that big of a deal. He was an asshole in the end, and my dad tends to marry as often as some people change their underwear. He’s on his fifth or sixth marriage now. I’ve lost count.”