“You have done all you can do for tonight,” Stephen said gently. He pressed a sweet kiss to Ehren’s temple. “I want you to go pack an overnight bag.”

Ehren tipped his head up, his heart giving a hopeful skip and a couple of butterflies set flight. “What?”

“Overnight bag. I don’t want you staying here by yourself tonight.”

“You think the thief will return?”

Stephen shook his head. “I think you’re physically safe here. I’m more worried about your emotional health for tonight.” His expression turned caring but serious, and his voice shifted. “You’ve been through the emotional wringer recently, Ehren. I don’t want this to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. I want you to be in a place where you will feel safe and comfortable.”

Ehren managed a little smirk. “I’m starting to recognize your doctor voice.”

“My brother Charlie calls it my meddling voice.”

“Your brother sounds like an ass.”

Stephen smiled, and Ehren could feel some of the tension that was humming through the sexy man’s body fall away. “He is definitely an ass, and because he’s older than me, he’s sure that he knows more than me and everyone else.”

“Yep, definitely an ass.”

“You’re not distracting me. I want you to pack a bag, and call a friend. You mentioned a Kimi earlier. Could you stay with Kimi? Or another friend?”

All the happiness that had been bubbling up in Ehren’s body immediately fizzed out. Not the place he’d been hoping for.

Of course, Stephen read it in his posture or expression. As Ehren tried to pull away, Stephen tightened his arms and nuzzled his hair before whispering, “I would love for you to stay at my place, but we just met. I don’t think I qualify as safe or comfortable. Your well-being is my first priority.”

Ehren snorted. “As my new shrink or as the guy I’m trying to get in bed?”

“First as the guy who would like a second date with you, and second as a doctor,” Stephen corrected.

“You know prior to this bullshit happening, I was planning to suck your dick and come on your chest. To me, that would indicate that I feel pretty safe and comfortable with you,” Ehren pointed out.

Stephen huffed out a laugh, his arms tightening in a hug. He released Ehren and moved to stand in front of him. “Be honest with me. Are you sure you would feel safe and comfortable with me?” Ehren opened his mouth to answer, but Stephen held up his hand. “Answer with your head and not your dick.”

Ehren took another deep breath and closed his eyes. He was still feeling edgy, anxious, and hurt. Sex wasn’t the smartest idea tonight. Especially if he wanted to have something real with Stephen. Yeah, it was way too early to start planning for what that “something real” was, but Stephen Sands had proved countless times already that he was worth way more than a one-night stand.

“Yes, I feel safe and comfortable around you.” Ehren opened his eyes and smiled at Stephen. “You are very calming and very logical about things. Kimi…” he paused and sighed. “I love Kimi, but he can be over the top and very emotional. It would not be a relaxing night.”

Stephen nodded. “All right. Pack a bag and we’ll get out of here.”

Ehren put his hand on Stephen’s arm, holding him in place. “What about you? You’ve had a long day, got stuck with an unexpected date—”

“Definitely not stuck,” Stephen whispered before pressing a kiss to the tip of Ehren’s nose.

“And now you’re offering your personal space to me for the night,” he continued despite the butterflies joyously multiplying in his stomach. “Will you be able to relax? Are you gonna be stuck in doctor mode all night?”

“I appreciate your concern. That is very kind of you. Yes, I will be able to relax and no, I won’t be stuck in doctor mode. I know how to turn it off.”

“Good.” Ehren tilted his head up, offering his lips for a real kiss.

Stephen chuckled and kissed him sweetly and chastely. It didn’t threaten to melt Ehren’s brain, but it did wonders for healing his battered heart.

“Last one,” Stephen murmured against his lips.

“Nope. I get a good-night kiss after you tuck me in.”

“Maybe. But we keep our tongues to ourselves, hands above the clothes, and dicks in our pants for the rest of the night,” Stephen said sternly.

Ehren gave a quick nod. It certainly didn’t sound as fun as what had been about to happen, but it was the smartest choice. And if he was being honest with himself, he was simply glad to spend more time with Stephen as he dealt with this…mess. Talking to Stephen might help him wrap his brain around why this had even happened in the first place.

Chapter Three

There was one definite good thing about it being Friday night. The cleaning service had been through his town house that day, and Stephen didn’t have to worry about Ehren seeing a kitchen full of dirty dishes, dusty furniture, or laundry strewn about the place.