“There’s no rush, honey. We have all night,” he purred between each kiss. “All night.” Long, lube-slicked fingers closed around his own dick and stroked, coaxing the fiery need to life again.

When Ehren had finally slid down to the root, they both cried out. God, how he missed this. The fullness. The connection. But with Stephen it was already more. With past lovers, it had been about the race to the finish line, the sticky explosion.

He was battling the need to come with the desire to make this last forever. He shifted, pulling up a little before sinking down again. Pleasure curled through him, and his heart expanded at the look of pure joy breaking across Stephen’s face. He moved slowly, tucking away each and every expression in the back of his mind. He slid his hands up Stephen’s chest and plucked at his nipples, earning a hiss and a strangled laugh.

It was as though the last barriers were falling. Stephen wasn’t censoring himself anymore, wasn’t worried about how Ehren would react to anything. He was simply reveling in the pleasure they shared, and it was intoxicating.

Ehren switched between a slow tease and a hard, pounding pace, pushing them both to the edge. He immediately stopped, kissing Stephen deeply as he held them there at that cliff, their hearts pounding against each other.

“Baby!” Stephen cried out. His body trembled beneath Ehren, drawing out an evil grin.

“What do you need? Anything you want,” Ehren panted in his ear.

Stephen didn’t speak. He wrapped his arms around Ehren and rolled him onto his back. The world spun and Ehren blinked, shocked to find himself lying on the bed with Stephen’s flushed face above his. His hands slipped under his knees, pressing them toward his chest, opening him up and leaving him deliciously exposed. With a wicked grin, Stephen retreated until the head of his dick stretched the outer ring of muscles of Ehren’s ass and then slammed home again.

Ehren howled, his entire body spasming as Stephen unerringly hit his prostate. He nearly came with the first fucking stroke. Tension was winding tighter and tighter. So fucking close and it felt so damn good. He just needed to touch himself.

A cry of ecstasy left his lips as he stroked his dick. The orgasm barreled through him like a runaway freight train, tearing through everything in its path. Stephen fucked him hard through it, stretching out the pleasure so he couldn’t catch his breath. Sounds he didn’t recognize were coming from him, pleading, desperate noises that were a mix of languages because his brain was officially broken.

Stephen shouted a second later, and Ehren would have laughed if he could have caught his breath. It was likely they’d disturbed half the hotel, but he was feeling too sated to care one bit.

A moment later, his lover collapsed on top of him, catching himself on his elbows to keep from completely crushing Ehren. Not that he would have minded. He would have been happy to take all of Stephen’s weight, to be pressed into the mattress and to wallow in the feel of his man.

“You broke me,” Stephen breathed into his hair.

“Ditto,” Ehren murmured. He lightly wrapped his arms around Stephen’s waist, his hands sliding up his sweat-slicked back. Could they just fall asleep like this, connected and wrapped in each other?

Stephen lifted up enough to meet his sleepy gaze. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah.” Ehren could feel that his smile was uneven and he didn’t care. “I’m sure I’ll feel it tomorrow, but right now, everything is perfect.”

Stephen grinned. “No, you’re perfect. Even when you say mean things to me.” Ehren let out a mock gasp and smacked Stephen’s ass, which earned him a wicked grin that still looked sleepy. “I like that too.”

Before Ehren could react, Stephen captured his mouth in a too-quick kiss and then lifted up, carefully withdrawing from his body. Oh yeah, he was going to feel it later, but right now, all was right with the world.

“I’ll get something to clean us up,” Stephen volunteered. He climbed off the bed with only a small wince and disappeared into the bathroom.

Ehren closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the water running, his mind drifting. He stretched one arm up, sliding it along the bed, and was shocked to feel the edge. He blinked his eyes open and looked about to find that he was lying the wrong way across the bed. How the hell did that even happen?

To hell with secret art collections. Sex with Stephen was the real treasure.

His lover returned with a towel. One corner of it had been dampened with warm water, allowing Ehren to easily clean up and dry off. Stephen tossed the towel aside when he was done, and they climbed under the sheets again. Stephen flicked out the lamp and cuddled up against Ehren. “This okay with you?” His lips brushed Ehren’s shoulder as he spoke, and Ehren could only sigh happily.