It might not have hurt that Stephen also gave the cop one of his business cards, using the weight of his advanced degree and career to add some gravitas to the situation.

The cop immediately radioed for some assistance. From the entrance, they had an escort of two police officers to Stephen’s car. They might have gotten a few anxious stares from the other moviegoers, but Stephen didn’t give any sign that he noticed those people. He just kept up a steady stream of conversation with the two kind officers.

It was a long walk out of the red rocks to the lower parking lot. Much of it was cloaked in thick darkness with only tiny lights illuminating the path. Ehren held close to Stephen. He’d had his fair share of violence in his life and studiously worked to avoid it where he could, but he’d never had anyone in his life who stood right there with him, who was willing to step forward and take control. Most people put distance between him and trouble, leaving him to deal with it and then sweeping in to help pick up the pieces.

This way felt better, less alone.

At Stephen’s car, one of the cops took a moment to look over the car while the other remained with them, chatting some more. Notes were taken. Addresses given.

“Do you feel safe going home tonight, Mr. Galanis?” one officer asked.


“Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to stay at my place tonight,” Stephen interjected.

Oh, he could see that Stephen was about to offer his lovely guest room again. Ehren smiled back at him and nodded. “Yeah, that would be great, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

Good, because Ehren had zero intention of sleeping alone tonight, and he was willing to pull out all the seduction stops to get exactly what he wanted. And that was the incredibly sweet and sexy Dr. Stephen Sands.

Chapter Five

Stephen had started off with the best intentions.

He’d planned to be good, considerate, and thoughtful.

He’d planned to give Ehren space to deal with his emotions and the new craziness that was plaguing his life.

But Stephen also had to point out that he was only human. And a horny male attracted to a very sexy man. Everyone had a breaking point.

Stephen’s just happened to be watching Ehren pull his shirt off over his head the second he stepped into the living room. He’d been in the middle of checking that the front door was still locked, but his brain stopped working as he took in all that beautiful warm brown skin and the light fur of dark hair across his chest. Ehren wasn’t all hard muscle. No, there was a slight softness to him that made Stephen’s hands itch to touch every inch of him.

“Umm…I…Ehren…” he stammered, trying to scoop enough blood for his poor starved brain to make a cogent sentence. His dick, on the other hand, was hard and more than willing to party.

“Check the door, Stephen,” Ehren said calmly.

Stephen could barely tear his eyes away long enough to look at the lock and find that it was indeed untouched. It took him two tries to conduct the same check on the security system. “Ehren, I think—fuck…”

He’d been smart enough to start talking while he was staring at the security pad, but when he turned toward Ehren, he’d found the man had shoved his pants to his ankles, revealing a red jockstrap that was barely holding in his hard cock. He wore that while we were watching the movie?

Why the hell had they gone to see the movie?

They should have just come back to his place.

Ehren bent to pull off his shoes while stepping out of his pants. When he straightened, he walked to Stephen, who felt frozen in place. He couldn’t move, couldn’t think. Ehren had reduced him to a brainless, throbbing hard-on.

“This is your last chance to say you don’t want me, but I am not sleeping alone tonight for my own good,” Ehren warned him. “I’m rattled by everything, but I am not letting this bastard fuck up my night with you again. I’m horny, and I want you.”

Yep, that was good enough for him.

“Anything you want, honey,” Stephen managed to get out before he pulled Ehren into his arms and slammed their mouths together. One hand slid into Ehren’s hair, tightly gripping those silken curls so he could control the man’s mouth completely. His other smoothed down soft skin to cup one ass cheek. Ehren moaned and Stephen swallowed the sound. He wanted all of this man.

It felt like he’d been waiting a lifetime for this kiss, to hear the needy sounds escaping Ehren. He was burning up, and he was more than happy to take Ehren with him.

“Clothes. Too many clothes,” Ehren complained against his lips. He tried to sneak his hands between them to pull off Stephen’s pants, but Stephen wasn’t willing to give up an inch of space between them.