Had Dave destroyed his standards and self-esteem when a date showing up was a cause for celebration? Probably.

But he felt like he was in safe hands with Stephen Sands.

After a cozy breakfast on Saturday morning, Stephen had driven him home and walked him up to his condo to make sure that he was safe. The rest of the day had been spent cleaning up the mess from the robber, while the first half of Sunday was catching up on emails and work in anticipation of getting back to the grind on Monday.

A perk of being freelance was that Monday’s work could be done in his pajamas until he was ready to be a functioning human being who did things like brush his teeth and shower.

But Monday didn’t matter because it was Sunday night, and they were headed to Red Rocks just outside of Denver for a special showing of The Princess Bride. He should have known Stephen was perfect. Not only had he picked the perfect location, but he’d picked the perfect movie—light, funny, goofy, irreverent, and so sweetly romantic.

If Stephen could tolerate him quoting the entire movie, Ehren believed they had an actual shot at a happily ever after.

Red Rocks Park was a beautiful place, great for hiking through gorgeous countryside and seeing amazing red rock structures. But the problem when faced with Red Rocks was the climb. If you couldn’t secure parking at one of the top lots, it was a ton of stairs. Ehren considered himself in great shape, but really…this was a hell of a lot of stairs.

By the time he reached the top, he was sweaty, panting, and pretty sure he was one step away from a heart attack. Of course, Stephen was barely breathing fast.

The sexy, evil man stepped close and pressed a kiss to his sweaty temple. “You’re even more adorable now.”

“Are you kidding me?” Ehren gasped.

“Nope. You were adorable in the restaurant, on my couch, and now sweaty in the great outdoors.”

“You’re a strange and twisted man.”

Stephen threaded his fingers with Ehren’s and smiled. “You’re not the first person to tell me this.”

Ehren could only laugh breathlessly as they continued to the concession area for a couple of alcoholic beverages. There was something so confident and carefree about Stephen. It was very soothing, and even freeing, to be around. The last of his worries about the break-in and even tomorrow’s work schedule faded away.

With drinks and popcorn, they located their seats. The Red Rocks Park Amphitheatre was actually built among a grouping of massive red rocks with rising stadium seating that looked down on a large stage. And behind the stand in the distance, Denver glowed against a velvety night sky.

Most of the time it was used for a variety of concerts. Ehren had been there only once before, and the sound was amazing. He’d had no idea there were movies shown a couple of times a month until Stephen had mentioned it.

While they waited for the movie to begin, they chatted about random things. Nothing serious, but it gave Ehren some interesting insight into the man who was steadily winning his affections. He liked learning the little things such as the fact that Stephen loved the color blue, was an average cook, and a horrible slob. He loved his older brother and tolerated his bossy older sister—both from different marriages—but was closer to his brother than his sister.

In fact, Ehren was sure that they could have just stretched out and stared up at the sky, talking all night while the stars popped out one by one.

“You know, you learned plenty about my nasty dating history on Friday night, but I don’t recall you revealing anything embarrassing.” Ehren nudged him as he lifted his margarita to his lips.

“What about being stood up for my dad’s wedding?”

Ehren shrugged and wobbled one hand. “Kind of weak. I feel like you can do better.”

“I’m not hiding my dating history so much as not trying to bore you with it,” Stephen said, his eyes locked on his own drink sweating in a clear plastic cup. “I haven’t been in a long-term relationship since college, and even that one wasn’t great since we were both pre-med at the time. All work and no fun.”

“So, no crazy stalker exes?”

Stephen flashed him a lopsided grin that wrapped right around Ehren’s heart. “Nope. Not even a sane, grateful-to-be-free-of-me ex.”

“Are you…sort of seeing anyone now?” Ehren replayed the question in his head and winced. “Not that I mean you’re cheating. But you know, casually dating or—”

Stephen stopped his rambling with a soft, sweet kiss. “I’m totally.” Kiss. “Completely.” Kiss. “Single.”

“Those kisses do not feel single to me.”

Stephen grinned against his mouth and gave one last kiss before pulling away. “Well, I’d say I’m less single now than I was when I woke up on Friday morning.”