But this wasn’t just about getting off. He could so clearly imagine Ehren’s hand in place of his own, jerking him off while kissing him so fucking deeply. No, Ehren with his arms wrapped about his neck, their bodies pressed together as they thrust together. The slide of their cocks against one another, the slickness of all that skin.

The orgasm broke over him faster than he expected. A moan jumped from his throat and his knees shook as lines of cum briefly covered his hand before being washed away by the water.

Stephen leaned a shoulder on the wall to steady himself, a breathless laugh leaving him. Maybe it was best that nothing had happened between them tonight. Not only did Ehren need some time, but Stephen had come way too fast. Being with Ehren made him a reckless, hormone-addled teenager.

When he was sure his legs would support him. Stephen washed and dried off. With the blood flowing to his brain instead of his dick, Stephen’s mind turned to the conversation they’d had on the couch. Something about what Ehren said in regard to his uncle was teasing a thought in the darker parts of his brain.

Something that could put Ehren in danger.

A queasy feeling swished through his stomach as he picked up his phone. He knew exactly who could look into this, but he did not want Charlie to find out about it. Every time they spoke, they locked horns over something, and he did not want to deal with his brother’s shit over Ehren.

Swallowing hard, he pressed call on one of the numbers programmed into his phone and put it to his ear.

On the second ring, a familiar voice burst out, “Hey—”

“Don’t say my name if Charlie can hear you!” Stephen blurted out as quickly as he could.

“You,” Edison finished with a chuckle. “Come on, Charlie isn’t with me every waking moment of the day.”

“Close enough,” Stephen muttered. “How have you been?”

“You know, same old, same old,” he said with a shrug in his voice. “Trying not to get shot. Still got all my fingers and toes.”

“Only you would make that sound like a huge accomplishment,” Stephen replied. Though for Edison Walker, it actually was. The man was a demolitions specialist who’d started his career as a Navy SEAL before getting hired on by the CIA. He’d been on Charlie’s team, but Stephen hadn’t learned that until a few years ago, when shit quite literally blew up in their faces. Charlie refused to go into details, but the entire team was disavowed after an assignment went horribly wrong.

Most of the team stuck together afterward—though one went off on his own to pout, according to Charlie—and was tooling around Europe and Asia, getting into mischief.

From Stephen’s point of view, the less he knew about his brother’s activities, the better. He would be happy so long as Charlie didn’t get himself killed.

“How are things there? Still shrinking heads?”

“Yes, and business remains good.”

“Hey! You’re a doc. You can prescribe me some of that medical marijuana, right?”

“Sure, if you need it, but—wait, where are you?” He’d just started to lounge on the bed and jerked upright.

“Right now?”

Stephen groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m not shipping you pot overseas.”

“Spoilsport!” Edison laughed, sounding like an oversized kid. He was in so many ways. Stephen had met Charlie’s team once when they’d come into town “for a vacation,” which Stephen didn’t buy. Edison Walker was six seven at least, and all hulking muscle, but there was a genuine sweetness to him. With a tendency toward pyromania. The innate tenderness mixed with the brutal protectiveness he felt for his team and a need for explosions was disconcerting at times.

But he wasn’t even the scariest on the team. That award definitely went to the team’s sniper, Westin St. James. Fast, lethal, silent as the grave, and haunted. The idea of climbing into that man’s mind scared even Stephen.

Now he was getting off track. Charlie and his band of rogues were not his current concern.

“I was wondering if you could do a favor for me, but I don’t want Charlie to know about it.”

There was a moment of silence before Edison asked, “Are you in danger?”


“Is this going to get Charlie pissed at me?”

“No. It’s a little research I think you’d be better at than me.”

Edison made a scoffing noise. “Research? You should be talking to Kairo. Lemme get him.”

There was no chance of stopping him. Edison’s loud voice carried through the phone as he shouted for Kairo to haul his skinny ass over to him. Lovely. The entire team was going to know in a second that he’d called, including his brother.

Edison said something else that got muffled, and then Kairo Jones’s cheery voice was on the phone. “Hey, Doc! Ed says you got a problem. Want me to get Charlie?”