Ronnie frowned and shook her head.

"I don’t know, but he doesn’t move the right one at all."

After bowing to Lady Montgomery and exchanging only a few words with her, the manager, dressed in a formal black coat, walked over to the two young women and bowed again.

"I am Captain Drew, at your service. Lady Montgomery suggests I escort you to your rooms while she—"

"Mama insists on arranging everything herself, Captain Drew," Ronnie said with a grin. "Interfering only exasperates her."

Cici chimed in.

"We have many years of experience with her manoeuvres. Your poor staff will soon learn."

Captain Drew smiled and nodded.

"We are quite accustomed to discerning guests at the Weymouth Arms, Miss. I assure you our amenities will meet her standards."

"I have no doubt of it. Since Mama has neglected to present us, I am Miss Veronica Montgomery and this is my sister, Miss Felicia. We are looking forward to our stay in Weymouth."

"I shall do all I can to assure your satisfaction," Captain Drew said. "It is my pleasure to serve you. Is this your first visit to the Dorsetshire coast?"

"Yes," Cici eagerly replied. "I cannot wait to try the sea bathing. When we were in Brighton last year, Mama said I was too young, but now…”

It was Ronnie’s turn to nudge her sister.

"We should probably follow Mama’s orders and have the Captain show us to our rooms, Felicia, before you recite your list of proposed jaunts."

The Captain gestured to the door with his left arm.

"Right this way, ladies."

He had a deep and resonant voice and was perfectly attired, though his right arm remained motionless, held slightly behind his back.

Captain Drew led them up the wide staircase and down a carpeted hallway to a set of double doors which opened into spacious drawing room with a balcony overlooking the sea. At the back of the room, three doors promised individual bedchambers.

"I shall return soon," Captain Drew said, and bowed his good-bye.

Cici gave a deep sigh, and flopped onto the sofa, letting her bonnet fall to the floor.

"I am exhausted."

Ronnie fought off the urge to roll her eyes and remark upon her sister’s melodramatic groan. They had reason enough to need rest after the whirl of activity which closed their London Season. But for Cici to pretend she was anything but exhilarated by the announcement of her betrothal to the Honourable William Carew Turner at last Friday’s ball… or to so cavalierly dismiss the welcome news of General Wellington’s victory over the unspeakable Corsican… such play-acting was beyond the limit.

"I am going to take the bedchamber on the right," she said.

With her eyes already closed, Cici replied, "Take your choice. Did you see Captain Drew's hand? He has only a thumb and two fingers."

"Please do not stare at him, Cici. It is very rude."

"Well, he can’t expect us not to notice. You get yourself settled. I’ll wait for Mama right here."

Ronnie shut the bedroom door behind her, finally alone.

A relief, Ronnie thought. She had heard quite enough of Cici’s soliloquys about her William, incessantly, all the way from London.

She looked around the room, furnished with a canopied bed, a tall armoire, several tables, and a deeply cushioned chair of blue velvet, then tossed her gloves onto the bed. The place seemed comfortable and ideal for a restful stay of several months at the seaside.

But more than impressed by comfort, she was intrigued, and no matter how rude it seemed, she was curious enough to try discovering what had happened to Captain Drew.