Jane knew the message had not arrived, for she’d never bothered to send it. Why invite inspection from the Jardines before she had to?”

“Take me to his grave, now.” Epiphany said.

“Very well,” Jane nodded. “Stone, would you fetch a footman to accompany Lady Jardine to the church?”

Before Stone could answer, Lady Jardine said, “You’re coming with me.”

“Lady Jardine, I am in no condition to walk that far. My time is almost upon me, as you well know, for that is why you are here, is it not?”

“You will accompany me to my father’s eternal resting place right this minute. Fetch my father’s wheeled chair if you have to.”

Not a bad idea, all things considered. Within a few minutes, Theodore had the chair and they set off on the short walk towards the church. It wasn’t a smooth walk, and the chair bumped and jolted along the pathway.

“Mister Foote, it would be kinder on my spine if I walked the rest of the distance. Please hold my hand so that I do not trip,” Jane said.

Holding his hand, in public, felt so lovely. If anyone saw them, it would be easily explained as a dedicated member of staff helping his mistress. There would be no untoward looks or gossip. Except for the shock of seeing the Baroness so great with child out in the open. A jolt of pain stole Jane’s breath.

“Are you well, My Lady,” Theodore asked.

“Merely a twinge, Mister Foote.”

She breathed through the next one. Stronger than the last. She must have hurt her back on all those bumps. It was so lovely to have him by her side, even if she could not publicly acknowledge everything that he had done for her. Privately, she thanked him almost every night.

Lady Jardine stalked off ahead of them, reaching the churchyard.

Mister Foote kept his voice low, “I will give nothing away.”

“I trust you, and thank you for keeping our secret safe. I will forever be in your debt.”

“And I yours,” he said.

That could not possibly be true. He was at far less risk of public disaster and shame than she. He may be personally irreplaceable to Jane, but he also had the benefit of being an anonymous man in the world. If their secret were exposed, he would be able to move on and find a life and employment elsewhere. Perhaps move to the colonies? She would be a fallen woman, forever shunned in society, with no way to support herself. She’d die in debtor’s prison; Lady Jardine would see to that. Another thought struck her about whether she too may have to leave for the colonies herself. Her parents would take her in, would they not? To the rest of society, she was a widow, her loss tempered by the miracle of carrying her late husband’s child. Another pang stole her breath as she passed through the gate to the churchyard. Her feet faltered.

“My Lady?” Concern writ large over Mister Foote’s features.

“Oh,” Jane cried, leaning against him for support as her knees threatened to bring her low.

Lady Jardine turned shouted, “What a carry on!”

“Must you always be so callous!” Jane had reached boiling point.

“Shall I carry you home, My Lady?” Mister Foote suggested.

“Hang it all, yes.”

In one fluid move, Theodore lifted her across his body, his arms wrapped securely under her legs and lower back. Jane clung to his neck for purchase, smothering her screams into his shoulder as another spasm took hold.

Lady Jardine called back, “Where are you going?”

Mister Foote did now slow. He called back, “My Lady’s needs come first.”

He travelled swiftly, leaving the wheeled chair behind. His long legs consumed the distance between the church and Ealing House. Before long, the familiar walls came into view.

“We are nearly there, my Lady,” he cooed as Stone came running towards them.

“What is amiss?” Stone asked, panic in his voice.

“The babe is on the way.”