“How did you manage to enter this establishment without a membership?”

“My older brother maintains a membership, and, as he rarely travels to London, Richard Everley is not readily recognised. We do favour each other somewhat.” Everley said nonchalantly, as he shrugged his shoulders into place. “As your home is quite secure, I was forced to wait for an opportunity to speak to you alone.”

Grand would readily admit that the man sitting opposite him would easily blend in amongst the patrons of a number of gentlemen’s clubs. He presented himself as the ‘perfect’ gentleman in dress and carriage.

“Then you are prepared, finally, to present me the necklace?” he asked, looking around to assure himself of their privacy.

Everley said, with a challenging lift of his eyebrows, “Before we begin, please understand, my Lord, I have a pistol in my hand which rests on my leg, and it is pointed at your stomach. As a well-versed agent of the Crown, you must be aware that stomach wounds are almost always fatal. All I wish is a few minutes of your time, and then I will leave the necklace with you and walk out of your life.”

Grand said cautiously, “I am listening.”

“Place the paper on the empty chair, but keep your hands where I might see them. I am well aware of your reputation as an agent for the Home Office, and, although you likely will not believe me, I wish no trouble today. Such is not my purpose.”

Grand nodded his agreement and slowly laid the newsprint aside. Although capturing Everley was important, the return of the Queen’s necklace was paramount. For all Grand cared, Everley could go to the Devil, as long as the man brought no more sadness to Miss Everley’s door.

“Speak your piece,” he said as he rested his hands, palms down, on the table.

A hint of a smile graced Everley’s lips.

“You cannot have a doubt that I wish to speak to you of Colleen’s future.”

Despite having known the gist of what Everley would say, the mention of the lady’s Christian name had reminded him of the anger she displayed when he had last spoken it.

Would he never know peace in this matter?

For a few brief seconds, Grand feared that something had happened to her.

“If you have caused Miss Everley more pain, I will not rest until I hunt you down and see that you have paid for your sins.”

His fingers curled into a fist.

Everley’s brows snapped together in obvious disapproval.

“I know my faults well, my Lord; however, I doubt you are equally aware of the damage you have presented my daughter.”

“Me?” Grand said in disbelief. “What have I done other than to attempt to protect Miss Everley from herself and others?”

“You have broken her heart,” Everley stated in accusatory tones, “in a manner from which Colleen may never recover.”

Grand shook off the idea.

“It is your reputation that has coloured her world with nothing but blackness.”

Everley nodded his acceptance.

“I am well aware of my shortcomings. Such is why I insisted on Colleen receiving the patronage she deserves.”

“Then why did you sneak into the Prince’s event and expose Miss Everley to more anguish?” Grand charged.

“I am a selfish man,” Everley admitted in sad tones. “I wanted to look upon her sweet countenance once more before I disappeared from her life forever.”

“Your daughter is not a fool,” Grand warned. “Miss Everley quickly deduced that the Prince’s ‘insistent’ recognition had nothing to do with her efforts to recover the necklace or her admirable charity work, but rather some device you had concocted. She has shut herself off from the world.”

Everley leaned forward to say softly, “You have the power to change Colleen’s self-imposed isolation,” he insisted.

“How?” Grand asked in disbelief. “Miss Everley has banned me from her door and her life.”

Everley said simply, “My daughter is in love with you.”