Which made her father’s reckless aim even more humiliating to her. When they realized Sir Malcolm’s purpose, perhaps Lord Grayson and his father would simply flee Weymouth and solve her problem in one fell swoop.

That optimistic thought sustained her as she prepared for bed. But when she drifted off to sleep, her dreams were disturbingly dominated by the dark eyes, wavy hair and broad shoulders of her newest acquaintance.

I hope that you enjoyed this preview…

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Other Books by Victoria Hinshaw

Least Likely Lovers - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0821778412/

Miss Milford’s Mistake – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BPTD94E/

Cordelia’s Corinthian – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EIJQVBQ/

The Eligible Miss Elliott – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AEI16DS/

My Only Valentine - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0821774360/

Miss Parker’s Ponies - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7ULPA6/

The Fontainebleau Fan - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009XVKWRI/

Ask Jane - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0821778404/

An Ideal Match - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGW0XR2/

Sarah’s Summer Surprise

Miss Hadley’s Holly

The Jewel Thief

and the Earl

Regina Jeffers

This story Copyright Regina Jeffers.

Chapter One

Late June 1817

“We require an expert thief to capture an expert thief.”

Lord Liverpool stated the obvious, as Prince George paced his private chambers in a fit of anxiety. The quickness with which the Prince Regent covered the distance from his bed to the door and back amazed Grandison Franklyn, 8th Earl Harlow, for the Prince’s bulk had, in Grandison’s opinion, greatly increase since the last time, perhaps a year prior, Grand had been summoned before His Royal Highness.

Grandison’s role in Prince George’s latest complaint was to correct the ‘error’ made by His Royal Highness before it became public knowledge. Grand’s position in the Home Office called for his ability to respond quickly and with discretion. He often referred to himself as a ‘coordinator’. He possessed connections to a variety of resources and people; yet, even he held his doubts about the return of a royal sapphire necklace, likely presented to the Prince’s latest paramour, a woman too flighty for the necessary secrecy of any woman who became one of the Prince Regent’s mistresses. Certainly, a woman placed in such a position could not expect others never to discover that she was willing to accept the Prince’s attentions, but to discuss openly the gifts His Royal Highness presented her only asked for censure and a rebuke from the Prince.

“Find the best and offer the man a reprieve if he secures my mother’s sapphire necklace,” Prinny instructed.

“Queen Charlotte’s sapphire necklace?” Grand asked, suddenly comprehending the urgency of his being summoned to Carlton House.

Prinny purposely turned his back on Grand, in obvious disapproval for his not attending to the conversation, but Liverpool answered in soft tones, “Yes, part of Her Royal Highness’s bridal gifts from the King.”

Grand swallowed the series of questions and ‘reprimands’ rushing to his lips. Instead, he said, “The best thief in England is currently on a ship to a penal colony, a reprieve from the hangman’s noose presented to him in return for his agreement to surrender more than a dozen pieces of Egyptian relics and an equal number of pieces of priceless jewellery waiting to be returned to the appropriate owners.”