“I am certain to suffer a chill this near the sea.” Lady Seymour sighed and glanced toward the windows overlooking the Esplanade, drawing the shawl across her chest. “Should we not have heavier draperies hung?”
“Perhaps. I will ask Mrs. Stamper this afternoon.”
Poor Mother, always on the verge of the dismals, worn to a nubbin by worry.
“Whatever possessed your father to bring us to Weymouth?”
“The poor old King found many healthful attributes here. He believed the sea air did him a world of good.”
“Then why do they not bring him to Weymouth now?”
“I believe all his doctors are at Windsor. Papa had only your health in mind when he made these arrangements. He said he was very fortunate to find this house.”
A small voice squealed from the passage.
Dawn opened the door to find her four-year-old son Teddy rubbing his eyes, lower lip trembling on the verge of tears.
“Here darling, do not cry.”
Dawn scooped up the child and hugged him close, her precious boy.
His nursemaid hurried toward them.
“I am sorry, ma’am. He woke in a strange bed and wouldna’ be comforted.”
“That’s all right, Rosie. I will bring him back to you later.”
Rosie dropped a brief curtsey and took herself away.
Dawn kissed her son’s rumpled curls.
“We are all here at the seaside, darling. Say good afternoon to Grandmother.”
“G’aft’n,” Teddy mumbled, still half asleep.
He laid his head against Dawn’s shoulder and closed his eyes.
“He will be back asleep in just a moment.”
She sat near her mother’s chaise and leaned back with a smile, slightly rocking Teddy from side to side.
Lady Seymour reached over to caress his hair.
“He is growing so fast.”
“I hope there will be other children nearby. He is too often alone.”
Her father stepped through the doorway.
“I happen to know that there is a little girl in the house next door. She is the granddaughter of an old friend of mine, the Earl of Carey.”
Lady Seymour arched her brows in surprise.
“Lord Carey? How very nice for you, Malcolm. I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing him.”
“Yes, that is what I was about to tell you, my dear. He is coming to dinner this very evening.”