"Where is Anthea? Is she not with you?"

Mama embraced Cici and then turned to Ronnie.

"We though Anthea had followed you into the crowd."

"We haven't seen her for ages," Cici said.

"Oh no," Lady Stapleford moaned, wringing her hands in fright. "Where could she be?"

"The last time I saw her, she was next to Captain Drew," Lady Montgomery said. "We thought she was with you."

"Do not fret," Ronnie said in a comforting tone. "Captain Drew will see her back to the hotel."

"Oh, I pray he will take care of her," said Lady Stapleford. "There really were too many people for us to see much of anything."

As one, the four of them turned and started walking to the Royal Arms.

Chapter Six

For all the beauties of the display in the sky, Ronnie's brain registered little of the sound or the silvery splendours above. Sitting on the veranda at the Royal Arms, wrapped in one of the blankets placed on the backs of the chairs, she could not sort her fears from her hopes. She sincerely wished for Anthea's safety, but still harboured the foolish hope that Miss Turner had run off with Lord Appleby, however unlikely that seemed.

Cici and Mama seemed enthralled by the fireworks, but Lady Stapleford paced up and down, unconvinced by Captain Drew's assurance that her daughter was safe. He provided no details, but excused himself to go towards the beach, apparently, Ronnie thought, to search.

"Perhaps Anthea is with her Highness" Lady Stapleford said, then flinched at the sound of another explosion. "She knows some of her ladies. I did not get a glimpse of them in all of the hullabaloo, but maybe she did."

She resumed her pacing.

Another explosion and bright flash made Ronnie's ears ring and eyes blink. The glare was too intense, especially for her muddled head. But when she regained her equilibrium, she saw three figures approaching. When they moved into the light which reflected off the buildings, the entire group recognised them at once: Captain Drew, Miss Turner, and Lord Appleby.

Lady Stapleford squealed, ran down the steps, and into the arms of her daughter. Captain Drew smiled, and Lord Appleby conducted his own unacknowledged commentary on the adventures of the evening. Only Lady Montgomery registered disapproval, scowling at the way that Anthea's hand grasped the Baron's arm.

After everyone had calmed down, with a background of dazzling Roman Candles and the splendid Catherine Wheel showering sparks in all directions, Ronnie caught a smiling nod from Captain Drew. Suddenly her weariness faded, and she felt a twinge of joy replace her misery. Somehow, he brought Lord Appleby to the side of Miss Turner.


Veronica gathered the swirling skirt of her bathing gown and wrapped it around her legs. She pushed off the step with one foot and stroked her arms through the water, setting herself free from the machine, floating in the chilly water. She really could not swim with the unwieldly garment dragging her down, but with the sculling motion of her hands, she kept her head above water and began to feel comfortable. Not far from the beach, she could see her mother waiting. She waved at her and received a wave in return. Beside Ronnie’s machine, Cici’s stood quietly for a few moments.

When the door opened and Cici came down the steps into the water, Ronnie called to her.

"I’m over here. Is it too cold for you?"

"I’d call it frigid," her sister replied. "And I feel like this dress is trying to drown me."

"Mine too. Most annoying, as I was hoping to warm up by moving around, but that is impossible."

"True," Cici said. "I’m holding on to the step so that I don’t go under. Did you feel so uncomfortable in Brighton?"

"No, but the dress was not as heavy. Even so, this is more comfortable than being with Lord Appleby."

"I cannot believe you said that, Ronnie. For the life of me, I cannot understand why you want Lord Appleby to pursue Anthea. What do you dislike in him?"

"Everything possible. He wants a woman to care for his daughters and give him sons. I do not want to be considered a brood mare."

"But he is wealthy and has a great estate…"

"Yes, far up north where I have never been. And know no one."

"As a Baroness, you would be among the social leaders of the region, no doubt. And you could travel everywhere in style. I bet he would take you to Paris or Naples. Or anywhere."