Page 46 of Ravaged Souls

“Did you put in a late request or something?” I shook my head when she looked at me.

“No, I didn’t. Why?”

“The classes you’ve been assigned to are all advanced prep. Those aren’t just assigned randomly. You have to sign up for them.”

“Advanced prep?”

“Right here.” Sky pointed to the side of the page where all my new classes were listed. Printed in bold letters beside them werethe lettersA.D.V.P..

“But I didn’t sign up for this,” I said, puzzled as to how this could’ve happened.

“Exactly, Samara. Which means that someone…” Her words faltered, and right away I knew from the discomforting shift in her expression that she knew who did this. As did I.

“Samara, I think you need to—”

“No,” I protested, shaking my head. “I'm not worried about it. I’m smarter than I look. Besides, given who their father is, Higgins won’t do anything about it. Hell,he’sthe one who just sent a guard to hand deliver this shit to me.”

Sky nodded, opting not to speak on it any further because she knew I was right. Even though this was without a speckle of doubt the Ravagers doing, what could I really do about it? Yeah, Icouldgo to Headmaster Higgins, but in the end it would be the Ravagers word against mine. And without hardcore proof to backup the allegation, it would be a huge waste of time and energy.

Plus, Higgins, the staff, and the guards were all on Xavier Michaelson’s payroll. I doubted any of them would be wise or ballsy enough to side against them.

This whole fucking thing was stupid. If the Ravagers believed for one second that fucking around with my class schedule would get any kind of rise out of me, they were gravely mistaken.

If anything, I found this bullshit retaliation of theirs to be very disappointing.

Those. Mother. Fuckers!

I stormed out of Advanced Algebra, the first class on my new supposed schedule, never feeling so furious and embarrassed before in my life. I should’ve listened to Sky. I should’ve gone straight to the headmaster’s office like she told me to when we left our dorm.

The schedule was a fucking fake, one of the best forgeries the Advanced Algebra teacher had claimed to ever see. When I’d walked in that classroom about five minutes ago, not only were there no open desks for me, but I’d instantly picked up that something was wrong from how both the teacher and the students kept glaring at me like I was lost. Like I truly had no goddamn business stepping a foot inside that classroom. Mrs. Lopez, I think was the teacher’s name—even though she was kind of a huge bitch about it—was decent enough to access my class schedule on her fancy little desktop computer. Nothing had changed. I was still enrolled in the same classes I’d been taking since I’d gotten here.

What made it worse was the advanced placement classes being located on the other side of the academy. The tardy bell had already rung and despite me running my ass off, in heels I should add, and taking all the fastest shortcuts I could remember, I was still a good ten to fifteen minutes late getting to my correct class. With my phony class schedule in hand, I knocked on the door, praying this ridiculous fucking misunderstanding wouldn’t get me in too much trouble.

The door opened, and just like that, the smile that was faker than this page in my hand had wiped dead off my face.

“You’re late,” Mr. Kendall hissed at me, lips curling up in an ugly snarl. “You know the rules, Miss Campbell. Tardy students aren’t allowed in my class. Move it along.”

“It’s not my fault,” I rushed to say, stopping the door with my hand as he made to slam it in my face. “Someone had a guard deliver a fake schedule to me. Here, look for yourself.”

I waved the page in front of his face. Clearly dismayed, Mr. Kendall stepped out the classroom and closed the door before he snatched it out of my hand.

“You see? I told you it wasn’t my fault.”

His brows knotted up as he surveyed the page. Then he rolled his eyes, inhaling a snort.

Geez. Someone sure pissed in his cornflakes this morning.

“Fine, you can come in. However, tardiness is unacceptable, and just so we don’t have to worry about this same mistake happening again, you’ll be spending the next two mornings in the dungeon.”

“What?” My mouth fell open in disbelief. “You-You can’t be serious.”

“And FYI,” Mr. Kendall continued, ignoring me as I made to speak again. “Headmaster Higgins doesn’t allow schedule modifications this late in the semester. You should’ve taken this up with him before wasting your time galavanting around the academy.”

By now I was sure there was smoke puffing out of my ears. Mr. Kendall, looking the least bit empathetic over the mishap and like he frankly didn’t give a single fuck, shrugged then opened the door, waving me inside.

I spent the remainder of that class and my next three classes on edge. I was just itching for a fight,waitingto cross paths with at least one of those bastards. It was my lunch period now and so far, I’d yet to lay eyes on any of them. They were around here somewhere though. I was sure of it.

I pulled out my phone, reading over Sky’s message, sighing.