It didn’t take long before I figured out how to return his kisses. It was such a natural thing that when Rush broke the kiss for a moment, I took control of it. As I explored his mouth, the flames that had been simmering inside of me became a full-on inferno, and I soon found myself nearly straddling Rush’s lower half.
My lesson in kissing quickly became something else entirely, and I wasn’t sure which one of us had started it. All I knew was that in a matter of seconds, both of Rush’s hands were gripping my ass through my sweats, and I had both my hands on his face as we kissed. When Rush pulled me forward, I could feel his hardness against my own, even through several layers of fabric.
“Rush,” I whispered brokenly once I managed to rip my mouth from his. But I couldn’t stop moving my hips as I instinctively searched for something. I felt like I was going to explode into a million pieces, and I both feared and wanted that.
“I’ve got you, baby,” Rush responded, and then he used his hands on my ass to grind my hips against his. I cried out at how amazing it felt to have his hard cock sliding against mine. I had no control, no idea what to do next. I just had Rush and an intrinsic trust in him that he would take care of me.
With every thrust of his body against mine, there was a coil inside of me that began to grow tighter and tighter. So tight that I began to fear what would happen when it snapped. The logical side of me understood what was happening, but no amount of reading about this very thing in books could have prepared me forthis. No amount of daydreaming about this exact moment when I’d been younger had readied me for what I was feeling, both physically and emotionally. And no attempt at self-pleasure could even scratch the surface of what was happening.
Rush continued to kiss me as he worked our bodies. I had no clue if he was experiencing any of the same sensations as me, but I was too far gone to care. I tore my mouth from his and buried my face in the crook of his neck.
“Rush,” I said, though my voice didn’t sound like my own.
Rush didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to because he was giving me exactly what I needed. More speed, more power, more contact. He drove me straight to the edge of an invisible precipice. I was afraid he’d leave me hanging there, but he kept up the frenzied pace of our lower bodies grinding together. I could feel the powerful muscles of his back beneath my hands as I clung to him, and his breath came in heavy pants against my ear. But it wasn’t until he whispered, “Come for me, sweetheart,” that everything flew apart inside of me.
I cried out as I came. I dug my fingers into Rush’s body as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. The tears I’d been keeping at bay for months began to slip down my cheeks. Unfortunately, so did the emotions I’d been holding prisoner deep inside of me for just as long. As the natural high began to wind down, the despair, the loneliness, the stark terror of the unknown all came crashing down on me, and the silent tears turned to ugly sobs.
I tried to pull free of Rush’s hold so I could escape in shame, but he refused to release me. At some point he’d moved one of his hands up to my back and the other to the back of my head. I was trapped whether I liked it or not. And deep down in the emptiness of my soul, I did like it. I couldn’t deny it.
But I also couldn’t let it happen. It would become this ugly, aching thing when it was taken away from me.
And it would be taken away.
Despite my struggles, Rush just hugged me tighter. But it was his words that ultimately did me in, that took the fight right out of me.
“Let go, Christopher. You’re safe, sweetheart.”
So that was exactly what I did.
It was ugly and uncontrollable, and while I tried more than once to get ahold of myself, the tears kept coming, the cries of rage and anguish didn’t let up, and I clung to Rush like he was my lifeline.
Which he very much was, even if that hadn’t been his intention.
I couldn’t say how long my meltdown lasted, but by the time I was able to make sense of the present, I was wrung out. The powerful orgasm was nothing more than a memory now. I’d been shown the heights of pleasure for the first time and by a man I could only classify as perfect, and I’d turned it into my own personal pity party.
My mind began to race with what to say to Rush, or at least how to extricate my body from his, when a sharp sound suddenly pierced the silence.
Mission very much accomplished.
I jerked backward enough to put some space between me and Rush, but his hand at my back prevented me from escaping entirely.
“It’s the secondary alarm on my phone,” he said gently. “I was afraid I’d keep hitting snooze on the first one if I fell asleep, so I set a second one.”
I barely managed to process his words because I was too busy memorizing every detail of his face. His hair was sticking up in several spots, probably thanks to my roaming fingers. His eyes were that nearly black color again, but his expression was soft and relaxed. His gorgeous lips looked as gently bruised as mine felt, proof of how perfectly and often our mouths had melded.
“You need to take your medicine.”
Rush’s words tore me from the haze I’d been in. “What?” I asked in surprise.
“That’s why I set the alarm. Dr. Kleinman told me to make sure you take your medicines at the right times.”
Because I was sick.