Page 34 of Rushed: Christopher

“Trans fats?”

Rush nodded. “That shit will kill you.”

“Isn’t that why the US banned the use of it in most foods a couple years back?” I asked.

Rush paused for a moment and then set the bowl down on the island. It was then that I noticed two places were already set.

I lifted my eyes only to nearly swallow my tongue with the way Rush was watching me. He looked like he wantedmefor breakfast.

Yes, please.

I held my breath as he came around the island and closed the distance between us. I fully expected him to kiss me, but when his chest brushed mine, he didn’t drop his head to take my mouth. Instead, he reached past me, and I realized he’d only been attempting to get to the counter behind me.

I felt like a fool and took a step back. I dropped my eyes in embarrassment because Rush had probably known what I’d been expecting.

But leave it to Rush to do the unexpected because not more than a couple seconds later, something soft brushed my lips and then my nose.

“Leave it to me to go crazy for a guy who’s both a hottieanda smartie,” Rush said softly as the scent of roses tickled my senses.

I opened my eyes and took in the sight of the most perfect rose I’d ever seen. It wasn’t red though. It was a beautiful shade of light purple that seemed to have some hints of pink in it too.

I’d been on the verge of contradicting Rush’s statement about me being hot and smart, but the single rose he was holding between his fingers took my breath away. I looked up at him in surprise.

“I didn’t know which color you liked, so the guy at the flower shop suggested I pick one based on its meaning. I picked lilac because it represents happiness. That and love at first sight. I guess most of your romance books don’t do love at first sight—

I shook my head and sniffed back the tears. “Those were always my favorite,” I admitted. “It’s beautiful, Rush.”

“You’re beautiful,” Rush responded. He brushed his mouth gently over mine and then handed me the flower. I didn’t miss the way his hand trembled just a bit as he held it out for me to take.

I took it and used my free hand to dash at my eyes to try and keep the tears at bay.

“I wasn’t sure if you had a vase for it or not, so the guy from the flower shop suggested I get one just in case and I could always return it if you didn’t.”

Rush reached past me again to grab a beautiful crystal vase that would fit the rose perfectly. He turned around and went to the sink to fill the vase with water.

“Turns out the guy is married to one of your uncles. His name is Aleks. He’s married to Vaughn.”

When Rush turned around, he came to a stop, probably because I was still standing shell-shocked in the same spot.

“Christopher?” Rush said softly. I opened my mouth to respond, but all that threatened to come out was a harsh sob. Rush quickly came around the island, setting the vase down in the process. He repeated my name, but all I could do was shake my head because the emotions had effectively rendered me mute.

“Christopher, look, I didn’t tell him the flower was for you. I mean, I introduced myself since Vaughn and I know each other, but there’s no way they’ll know that I got that rose… fuck!” Rush bit out as he ran his fingers through his hair in that nervous way of his. “And it doesn’t need to mean anything, especially the whole love at first sight stuff because I know you’re not ready for that, but I just knew in my heart it was the one—”

I didn’t need to even think about what I was doing. I stepped into Rush’s space and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck so I could pull him down for a kiss.

A real one.

One that wouldn’t leave him with any doubt about what I was feeling.

It took Rush all of three seconds to kiss me back. I could feel his relief in the way he kissed me, held me. Only when the kiss began to cause us both to overheat did Rush tear his mouth from mine. “Fuck, don’t scare me like that again,” he complained as he appeared to try and catch his breath.

“Sorry,” I said softly. “I don’t have any vases,” I added, hoping that was enough to explain why I’d gotten so upset at the sight of the beautiful flower.

Rush hesitated a moment and then wrapped his arms around me. “You’d better get some,” he murmured. The idea that he was going to keep giving me flowers made my heart hurt. Rush was on a playing field I had no hope of reaching. He was romantic, kindhearted, thoughtful, protective, and said what was in his heart.

I mentally pushed the thought away because I didn’t want to ruin the moment. I glanced at the rose.

“So is all this—the flower, the breakfast—some kind of apology for trying to burn my house down, or were you planning to do that wall by wall,” I asked as I glanced at the wall between the kitchen and the dining room. It now had several larger holes that I was able to see through.