With that, Rush threw open the door and left the room. He didn’t even slam the door behind him. He just closed it, and that was it.
I was alone again. Even the ugly voice that had been stripping away pieces of my soul for the past six months was gone.
There was just… nothing.
Admittedly, it wasn’t my finest hour. Or thirty minutes, rather, since that was how long it took before I heard footsteps on the stairs. In the time since I’d left the bedroom until I’d heard that first step, I’d been trying to keep myself busy so I wouldn’t return the room and demand that Christopher admit that what had happened between us was real and that he’d felt it too. A former boyfriend had once told me our breakup had left him gutted, but I hadn’t truly understood what he’d meant until this moment. I felt like someone had carved my insides out with a spoon, leaving behind my painfully pounding heart and a whole lot of nothing else.
How had I let this happen? Two days ago, I’d literally been standing in this same kitchen (minus the cooling cum in my shorts) living what I’d thought was a fulfilled life. Aside from the loss of my parents, I’d been enjoying what I’d been given. I loved my job, I’d been excited to move to a new city where I’d be closer to my friend and hopefully become a part of his large, extended family. My biggest worry had been trying to find a house with a big enough yard for my floppy-eared brood to roam when not snuggled up in the spacious rabbit mansion I was planning on building them.
Now life seemed like it was on hold and I had no control over anything. I’d wanted what my parents had had, but it had never occurred to me that I could lose my heart to someone who either didn’t feel the same thing or who bore too many emotional scars that couldn’t be overcome.
Once I’d realized that it wasn’t just attraction I was feeling for the troubled young man from four years earlier, my plan had been to take things slowly.
Turtle speed at most.
Crazily enough, twenty-four hours ago, my biggest concerns hadn’t had anything to do with getting past Christopher’s obvious walls. I’d been more worried about King’s reaction to my interest in his nephew.
Now, a mere day later, I’d learned Christopher’s biggest secret, given him his first kiss, and shared an explosive orgasm with him all before exposing my emotional jugular. I’d never told anyone I was with in the past that I’d loved them because I hadn’t. It was something I’d known I would need to be one hundred percent certain of before I said the words. Yet half an hour ago, I’d pretty much said them to a young man who, for all intents and purposes, had only just met me and who wasn’t in any position to deal with the admission.
“Fuck,” I muttered to myself as I got the burner going again. Once I heard the floor creak slightly near the kitchen entryway, I said, “I didn’t know what kind of eggs you liked, but the bacon’s done, so it will just take a few minutes depending on how you want them. Even if you’re not hungry, you need to eat. Those meds aren’t—”
Before I could finish my sentence, a pair of long, slim arms wrapped around me from behind. I was shocked into silence as Christopher pressed his head between my shoulder blades and settled his hands over my heart.
“Sorry,” he whispered, and then, just like that, he was gone. But not far. He was pulling plates out of one of the cabinets.
“I like them over easy,” Christopher said softly.
I didn’t know what to make of any of it, but it sure did feel like a victory. I’d take it. I’d take any win with him that I could get.
By the time the food was done, Christopher had set places at the island for both of us. I was glad I’d had the foresight to clear the boxes off them during my mini cleaning of the kitchen.
Not a word was spoken as we ate, and Christopher mostly kept his eyes down, but I was okay with that. I could tell he was nervous, and if minimizing eye contact helped him relax, then so be it.
A soft meow caught my attention. Pip was trying to put his claws into my jeans, presumably so he could crawl up the fabric, but he couldn’t manage to hold his balance long enough. I leaned down and scooped him up, then stood and took him to the other side of the island and handed him to Christopher. I figured the kitten would soothe Christopher in a way that little else could. As both man and mini beast got comfortable, I began clearing the table. It was only when I turned my back to Christopher and began washing the dishes that I finally heard him speak.
“Did Uncle King tell you what happened the night he and I met for the first time?” Christopher carefully asked.
“Only that a guy was attacking you, but your uncle intervened and told you to take your sister and run.”
I glanced over my shoulder to see that Christopher had his eyes glued to his cat. I forced myself to keep working on the dishes.
“His name was Barry. My mom’s boyfriend, Ricky, used to pimp Uncle Micah out to men for drug money. I don’t know exactly how old Uncle Micah was, but he was still a kid. A kid raising kids.”
“He protected you,” I suggested. I’d given up on trying to finish the dishes. It didn’t seem to matter since Christopher was speaking freely.
“He did,” Christopher agreed. “He took Ricky’s beatings upon himself, he made sure me and Rory didn’t see all the stuff that went on in that house… the drugs, our mom prostituting herself. Uncle Micah gave us as normal a life as he could.”
“He loved you and your sister very much,” I said as I returned to my seat. Christopher had yet to look at me, but I didn’t care. I just needed him to keep talking.
“More than anything,” Christopher responded. He was silent for a really long time, the only proof that he was still caught up in the past being a single tear slipping down his face and landing on Pip’s fur.
“As I got older, I started to understand what was happening. The back room, all the men…” Christopher shook his head. “I never tried to help him. Not when Ricky was beating the shit out of him, not when he was being dragged to that back room. I just got under the covers with Rory and covered her ears so she wouldn’t hear any of it. When Micah came back to the room, I’d pretend to be asleep because I was too ashamed to face him. I was such a fucking coward.”