When we were both satiated, we collapsed into the position we’d been in a few minutes earlier.

“I want to hear the rest of your stories,” he told me, his voice low. “I don’t want any secrets between us.”

“Fine,” I breathed, my heart still beating rapidly. “But I told you, none of them were good. You’re fucking incredible.”

“And fucking possessive,” he reminded me, his voice growly. “I will make you mine in every way any other man has done it, and a million more.”

Fuck, that was a turn-on.

“Your funeral,” I whispered back.

He chuckled, and his hand landed on my abdomen. “Tell me more about your childhood.”

My throat swelled.

I didn’t want to talk about it, but I could understand why he asked. And honestly, it had felt good to get some of that shit off my back with him earlier.

So I opened my mouth, and I told him everything he wanted to know.


Somethingabout that cave felt magical. It felt… safe. When I told Calian about my life, it didn’t feel like I was breaking my walls down; it felt like opening myself up to the possibility of love.

We could’ve been in there for days or weeks, talking, fucking, and laughing together. I loved every moment of it—especially the ones where he pulled out that damn pleasure-spice and rubbed it over way too many of our body parts. But eventually, we slipped out of the cave and into the water. After swimming around for a while, cleaning ourselves off, we got out and took to the skies.

Lian and I spent the better part of a day flying, trading stories, and teasing each other through our mental connection. It was, honestly, blissful.

When we grew tired, we flew back to the Stronghold. The forest around it was loud, and packed full of fae, but I knew that all of them had accepted that Calian and I were together.

I stumbled into Calian after shifting—mostly because he’d tugged me into his arms. My front was plastered to his, and I flashed him an annoyed look while he smirked at me. “Too many male eyes around here.”

I went on my tiptoes to peek over his shoulder, and saw the forest legitimatelyfullof fae dudes. “Holy shit.”

There were four messy lines of men waiting, and it didn’t take me long to figure out what the lines were for.

Each of the unmated chicks.

A snort escaped me when I saw that each of the men was holding a cake or something similar.

“I’d say news spread about the fact that mate bonds can form slowly,” Calian drawled.

I couldn’t even see the front of the lines, where the entrance to the Stronghold was.

“And the news that sex is a thing,” I countered.

His lips lifted in a feral grin. “That too.”

I smacked him on the arm, though I was grinning too. I’d never in my fucking life smiled as often as I had during my time with Calian.

We made our way through the crowd, Calian’s hand on my ass to keep me somewhat covered as he carried me. Whoever didn’t move out of our way, my fae shoved with his shoulder or a wayward hand.

By the time we made it there, Calian was swearing under his breath.

“Move or lose your fucking head,” he growled at the last few fae in the doorway. Luckily for them, they stepped aside.

He threw the door open. To my surprise, the damn thing wasn’t even locked.

We found the other members of the Wild Hunt in the living room. My eyebrows lifted as Calian carried me past all of them without so much as a greeting.