I lifted a hand to my hip. “One of us is going to have to give up here, and it’s not me.” I gestured between us. “I don’t know how you seal a mating bond, and that’s not even an option at all. So I need to meet all those bastards.”

His eyes went glittery gray again. “Likehellyou do. All it takes to seal a mating bond is a few promises.”

A few promises?

Nope, I was not marrying him. Not a chance in hell.

“What’s the worst that could happen if I meet them? One of them might think I smell good?” I demanded.

His fists and jaw clenched.

Fuck, the dude was really serious about this possession thing.

Why was that hot?

“No.”His voice was hard and flat.

“Seriously, Calian. There’s got to be a way for you to accept me going out and talking to those guys.” I tossed a hand toward the door out. “The other girls said that it’s beenyearssince any of the seelies have been attracted to a human. There’s no way they’re all going to want me when all these other gorgeous chicks are being ignored.”

He scoffed. “It has nothing to do withattraction. Looking for a mate is aboutconnection. It’s far better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.”

“Exactly, and I’m positive I’m the wrong person for everyone. You included, probably, but it seems a little late to convince you of that.”

His scowl deepened. “You’re one of us. Seelie. When we look at you, we see fire. Freedom. Refusal to fall in line. For most of us, that will be far more than enough connection.”

I tossed a hand in the air. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

“As I don’t know what to do with you,” he growled back.

“So what, then? What’s the solution? There must be something that would make you willing to walk out there with me. I already have too much death on my conscience; I cannottake another one.”

His eyes darkened. “Fly with me.”

I blinked.

Okay, that was not what I was expecting.

“Trusting another with your life is the first step in a mate bond. Fly with me, and I’ll let you meet them.” He paused, then added in a growl, “Assuming you let me touch you while you meet them. I’ll need the contact to stop myself from ripping their fucking throats out.”


That honestly wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I could do that, sure.

But I had to be careful about how I told him that. I already knew Calian well enough to know that he was going to take every fucking inch I gave him.

“I don’t know,” I grumbled. “You’re asking too much, Lian.”

I’d never called him by his nickname before, but I thought it was kind of hot, so I was going with it.

And I was a shit liar, but I’d known that for years.

His eyes narrowed further. “Should I add that you’ll wear my clothing over yours while you meet them?”

Fucking hell.

This man was a total bastard, and I hated myself for beinghere for it.