“If he has chocolate cake, give him whatever he wants,” Sunny told me.

I rolled my eyes at her, but…

Chocolate cake sounded really fucking good.

“Do I really need to open the door with a weapon?” I asked them as I slipped off the couch. They paused the movie for me, which was really damn nice. I couldn’t say I’d ever had friends who would pause a movie for me before.

“Nah. The fae don’t have any women of their own, so hurting one of us is worse than a death sentence. Fuckers might try to touch your arms or face or something, but never go further than that,” Sunny said.

Her words comforted me, to be honest.

Though I was kind of shocked they didn’t have any women of their own, I guessed it kind of made sense according to what I did know.

Why would they bother taking women from Earth if they could find mates among their own people?

I felt slightly more comfortable than I expected to as I walked to the door.


It tookme a lot longer to open all those damn locks than it had taken Ana. The fae on the other side of the door waited patiently, probably hearing me working on the stupid things.

When I finally wrenched the door open, I found myself face-to-face with Calian. I hated the way my breath caught in my throat at the fucking size of him, and the power I could sort of feel swirling around him.

“Hello.” His lips curved up in a half-smirk.

The same one from the jungle that made me want to punch him.

I ignored the urge though, because there was a duffel bag hanging off his shoulder, and he was holding a cake in his hands. It didn’t look like chocolate, but cake was cake.

“I’m not your possession,” I told him flatly. “And you already lied to me multiple times, so I’m not fucking interested.”

“I never lied to you,” he corrected me. “And I’m very much aware that you don’t belong to me yet.”


That fucking fucker.

I started to shut the door in his face, but he caught it easily with a hand.

“You need these.” He tugged the duffel bag’s strap off his shoulder with the hand that wasn’t holding the door open, and carefully maneuvered it past me, setting it on the ground. “And this.” He smoothly placed the edge of the cake’s platter against my abdomen. None of the frosting got on my sweatshirt, and my hand automatically lifted to cradle the mouthwatering dessert.

“How can you possibly think you didn’t lie to me?” I finally recovered and snapped at him when he lowered his hand off the door. And dammit, I didn’t shut the thing. “You bluntly told me that I needed to get to the stronghold or I would find myself mated.”

He dipped his head in a nod, still wearing that damned smirk. “Mated tome. I only have so much control, woman.”

I blinked at him.

Who the fuck was this guy?

His smirk morphed into a full-out grin when my eyes narrowed. “And the scale?”

“I would’ve watched you make it here from afar if you hadn’t picked it up. Seeing another man’s scale in your hand forced the beast in me to react.” He shrugged slightly.

“Are scales special?” I demanded.

“No. We shed them the same way we shed hair.” He lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug.

Then why the fuck did he care that I was holding someone else’s?