Sunny gave a wolf-whistle as she got an eyeful of my man’s ass, and I caught a glimpse of Dots reaching over to cover her eyes, even though she was also grinning and checking Calian out.

My bedroom door closed hard, and I heard a couple of growls and snorted laughs from the other room.

“I can get my own clothes,” I told Lian as he set me on the bed and strode into the closet.

“Of course you can.” He returned with the clothing and a grin. “But it’s much more enjoyable when I get them.”

He tugged my shirt over my head, taking plenty of time to play with my tits in the process. When he pulled the shorts up my legs, I rolled my eyes as he did the same with my ass.

“So fucking gorgeous,”he growled into my mind.“And all fucking mine.”

“Your possessiveness seems to be getting worse, not better,”I drawled back.

“It’s definitely getting worse. And I expect it will continue to do so as I continue to realize how fucking lucky I am.”He leaned in and captured my mouth with his. It had been too long since we’d been together, and after that long flight, I wanted him.

But there were people in the other room, and I still didn’t know whether or not the girls needed anything from us. There had to be a reason they’d let all the wild hunt guys in, right?

“After we’ve figured out what’s going on, we’ll head back to the mountain,” Lian growled to me, out loud that time, as he ended the kiss. “And then I’ll hold you captive for a few more days. Maybe a few more weeks.”

A snort escaped me. “I don’t think it counts as holding me captive when I’m there willingly.”

“You can play along.” His grin grew wicked.

I couldn’t help but return it.

“Put your pants on before I get too horny,” I complained, reaching out to grab his erection.

“Too late.” He dragged my mouth toward him with a hand on my cheek, and I parted my lips to take his cock. Teasing him with my tongue a few times, I sucked a little just to make him harder.

When I pulled away, I tilted my head back. “Hurry up. The sooner we get this shit figured out, the sooner we can get back to our love cave.”

He snorted. “Love cave?”

“It’s the perfect name. I’ll break your nose if you argue.”

A laugh escaped him. “Love cave it is.”

He stepped into his pants, and when I handed him one of his muscle-tees with a threatening stare, he tugged that on over his head. Once he was dressed, his hand caught mine and towed me back to my feet.

We made it out of the room and found everyone right where we’d left them.

Mare was pacing the kitchen, her hands tucked into the pocket of her massive sweatshirt. Sunny and Dots were sitting on the couch together, and Dots kept eyeing Sunny like she was afraid she was going to have to grab her or something. North was nowhere to be seen—so in her room, I assumed.

Priel, the hellhound guy, was sprawled across one of the couches, wearing an amused smirk. Ervo, the phoenix, sat on the armrest of a couch, his expression as serious as the damned grave. Teris, the sabertooth, was leaned up against the wall beside the window, his eyes scanning the lines of men as if he was waiting for someone to do something wrong. And Nev, the basilisk, was sitting on a couch of his own, staring at Sunny and Dots. I couldn’t tell which of the women he was really staring at, but I supposed it didn’t really matter if there was no mate-like attraction between them.

“What happened?” Calian asked everyone in the room.

“You decided that mate bonds can occur over time,” Sunny said, lifting an eyebrow at Calian. “Didn’t think that news would get around? You fae bastards have nothing to do but run around and gossip.”

I bit back a snort.

It was kind of true.

“Best we could do to get the seelies under control was make them line up.” Priel shrugged lazily, still grinning. “The unseelies have taken to sending letters.”

“Letters?” My eyebrows shot to my forehead.

Mare grabbed a thick stack of them off the counter and held them up for me. “Look. Now that they know about sex, and that bonds can form over time, every one of these fuckers wants us.”