I liked it.

“It’s fireproof, I might add. The glowing flowers are calledhilsolev, and they drop undetectable pollen that is Vevol’s way of preventing fire from destroying anything beautiful.”

“Nature’s fire extinguisher,” I murmured, looking around.

Knowing that Calian and I couldn’t destroy the room, no matter how kinky things got, was definitely a fucking relief. My room had been wrecked after the last time we were together, and I was still trying to get over that.

“How did you find this place?” I wondered, still looking around. “Or did you make it?”

“It’s a long story.” Calian flashed me a small grin.

“I have plenty of time.”

He grabbed my hand. With a quick tug, he towed me to the bed. “Snuggle with me, and I’ll tell you.”

It had been a long time since we’d been in bed together.

Too long.

And even if I wanted to, I couldn’t have resisted the damn snuggling.

I nodded, and he pulled me down onto the makeshift mattress with him. My clothes were already dry, thanks to their strange nature and my own heat.

We got comfortable in the bed together, with me lying on my back while Calian was propped up on his side beside me. I rested my head on one of his biceps, and his free hand sprawled over the part of my abdomen that my clothing left exposed.

“A long, long time ago, our world was almost destroyed. No one knows precisely how it happened, or how close we were to destruction. I assume that’s when we lost our female fae, but no one truly knows.” His fingers stroked my abdomen as he spoke. “The unseelie and seelie were already divided then, but we worked together to create the valley separating our lands to prevent more fighting after a particularly gruesome war. I was injured and set out to find a place to call my own for a time, as did the rest of the seelie. I stumbled across the cave you slept in the last time you were here, and stayed there while I healed.”

His hand continued stroking my abdomen as he continued talking. “Many of our people were lost. Some, I was very close to. Life felt very bleak. When I no longer wanted to be alone in my cave, I wandered around the mountain. As I wandered, I found the lake and took a swim. While I was swimming, I felt drawn to the waterfall, and beneath it, I found this cave. It felt like the land’s whisper to me that all was going to be well in the end—and that Vevol heard me, so I wasn’t alone. Things were still lonely at times, as I suppose they are for everyone, but this place was a constant reminder that our land watches out for its people to the best of its ability.”

Surprise and wonder mingled in my mind at his story. “That’s kind of amazing.”

He made a noise of agreement, continuing to stroke my abdomen. His fingers had nudged my top up a little, exposing more skin, and I sure as hell didn’t mind.

“What was life like for you after that?” I asked, curious. “Things here seem so… simple.”

“They are simple,” he admitted. “We create fights just to prevent ourselves from going insane at times. We have books to read, and some of our people found ways to take movies and other entertainment from your world, but we lack purpose. The moment I caught your scent on Earth, I knew everything was going to change—and I couldn’t fucking wait.”

My throat swelled a bit.

“What was life like for you on Earth? From what you’ve said, it doesn’t sound pleasant.”

Fuck, he was right about that.

And I didn’t want to tell him the truth, at first. Didn’t want to acknowledge the shitty life I’d survived.

But… he was holding me.

I was in his cave, his sacred, secret place.

And as crazy as it was, I trusted him.

So, I forced my instincts to leave me the hell alone, and I told him.

“It was hard. I told you about juvie. Before that, I had no parents. No one to raise me. No one wanted me or loved me. I was just… in the way. I guess that’s probably why I push you away; I’m always afraid I’ll lose everything and everyone again, or that it will all end up being a lie. I didn’t have a real home or a job I enjoyed. It took everything I had just to survive on Earth. Here, things are simpler. Softer. Nicer, I guess, as crazy as that sounds when you consider that the people in this world turn into fucking monsters.”

Calian’s hand caressed my abdomen and ribcage. At some point, my top had slid up to rest just below my tits. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice low. “I wish I could’ve retrieved you from your world earlier, saved you from some of that heartache sooner.”

“Thank you.” My words were barely above a whisper.