I bit back the urge to distance myself from him, to put space between us and protect myself from whatever future pain could come of it, and swam toward the man.

He caught me in his arms, pulling me to his chest. My legs wrapped around his waist, and he didn’t have a problem keeping us both above the surface of the water.

“Connecting with Vevol is easy,” he murmured to me, his arms wrapping around my lower back. His grip was steady, and that calmed me despite my racing heart. “Just close your eyes and feel.”

That didn’t make a fucking drop of sense, but I closed my eyes anyway.

“Everything in my world has come naturally to you, as if this place was created for you and you for it.” Lian’s voice was a soft stroke to my spine, moving along with his hands.

I pushed away the emotions that responded to both his words and his touch, and tried tofeelit.

Water was engulfing most of my skin, and I could feel both of our magic thrumming within it. Beside the magic, there was something else.

Something… more.


“That’s it,” the man holding me murmured. “Embrace it, and whisper to it. Should you ask it to do something it’s willing to do, it’ll follow your will.”

I focused on the magic around me, not my magic or Lian’s, but Vevol’s. As I focused on it, I felt it focus on me in return.

“Dance,”I whispered silently to the magic. It wasn’t all of Vevol—it was only the part making up the water around us.

As if someone had flipped a switch, the calm water surrounding me began to move.

A laugh escaped me when it tugged us around in a small whirlpool, and I opened my eyes to watch the water come to life.

Waves built and crashed on one side of the lake, currents coming to life and whisking away portions of the water. More whirlpools formed, small, soft ones, only to turn into new currents as the old ones morphed themselves into waves and whirlpools.

“It’s beautiful,” I admitted to Lian, my attention fixed on the lake even though my legs were wrapped around his back and our chests were plastered together.

“Or doyoujust find it beautiful?” the fae teased.

A laugh escaped me as I turned to face him. My lips were parted, ready to tease him back for using my ideas against me, but the words died in my throat.

He was grinning at me, staring at me like I was the only thing in his world that mattered.

I couldn’t help it anymore; I grabbed his face and kissed him.

His arms tightened around me as our lips moved together, our mouths parting so our tongues could find each other.

Calian’s fingers tightened on my thighs as he dragged me down, nestling his erection against my core exactly the way he knew I wanted it. I inhaled sharply as his hardness pressed into me. I’d been ignoring and avoiding intimacy with him for too long; I was too fucking needy.

We kept kissing, my core rocking against his erection. The need built hard and fast in my lower belly, but I didn’t want to lose it by myself.

If I was going over the edge, I wanted to take him with me.

“I want you inside me,”I ordered him mentally, so I didn’t have to untangle my mouth from his.

“I want your pleasure first,”he growled back.

“That can come later. Right now, I want you.”

He growled at me again, aloud this time, but his fingers moved down my ass.

He didn’t bother removing my shorts, just pulled the damn things to the side. The water was warm on my bare skin, and I gasped into his mouth when the tip of his cock met my entrance.

Fuck, I’d forgotten how big he was.