A brief moment of silence passed, and then a massive phoenix dropped out of the sky.

My stomach clenched at the sight of him, and the thrumming power in my chest went a bit wild.

It had been too long since I’d been in my own phoenix form—since I’d had the chance to fly.

“The unseelie council is in the valley. They’ve come to negotiate in hopes of avoiding a war,” the phoenix said, not bothering with a hello or any other pleasantries.

“The rest of our brothers?” Lian asked.

“On their way as we speak. We’ve warned our men to be ready for a battle, as well.”

Calian dipped his head in a nod. “I’ll let mine know and meet you there.”

“May the winds favor you.” Ervo nodded toward me, a silent, polite greeting, before he launched himself back into the air, shifting and taking to the skies.

“What will they ask for?” I looked at Calian.

“No way to predict with the unseelies.” His gaze lingered on me. “I’ll return and let you know as soon as I can.”

Whoa, what?

I grabbed his arm before he threw himself up into the sky like Ervo had.

“You’re not seriously going to leave me here.” My voice was somewhere between surprised and offended.

“You wished for space. I won’t take you in front of the unseelies while you’re uncomfortable touching me; any sign of weakness will only encourage them.”


“You think I’m uncomfortable touching you?” My voice had a weird lilt that I didn’t know what to think about.

“That seems clear, yes.”

My throat swelled a bit.

This was an important moment between us—I could feel it.

I hadn’t realized he thought I was uncomfortable around him. If I didn’t do something to prove that I wasn’t, that feeling would stick around for him.

If I did… then I would be removing the space I’d forced him to put between us.

My conversation with Mare came to mind, and in that instant, my choice was made.

I covered the distance between us in a heartbeat, burying my hands in the back of his hair and pressing my lips to his.

Lian gave me a moment to take it back, a moment to step away, before his massive hands swallowed my hips and his tongue was in my mouth, his lips devouring mine.

Our bodies were plastered together, interlocked as much as they could be without any privacy.

And fuck, I’d missed kissing him.

He kissed me like I was his everything, and held me like he was afraid he might lose me.

And the fact he felt that way, that he cared about me as much as he did, was staggering.

Damn, I loved it.

Calian walked me backward as he kissed me, until my shoulders met the firm, somewhat-invisible barrier of the Stronghold. His hands slid down my thighs, caressing my skin in a way that made me want him so fucking much I could hardly stand it. Then he grabbed them, hauling me up and pinning my pelvis against his. His erection ground against my core, and I groaned into his mouth.