Dammit, there was so much more to this world than I knew. If I was aware of all the right questions to ask, maybe I could start figuring shit out. But I was so damned clueless about so many things.

“Do you have clothes for me?” I checked.

“No. I picked them up after I grabbed your blanket and pillow from here.” His hands slid up my bare back, following the curve of it as well as sliding down to my waist.

I wanted to hate the contact, but couldn’t.

“Look, about the sex,” I began.

Somehow, I had to make sure the bastard and I were on the same page. It was fucking incredible sex, but I was not his wife. I wasn’t going to follow his damned orders, live in his house, or do anything else wifely.

He was still mostly a stranger to me.

“Hmm?” His hands slid down my back, dragging over my ass and wrapping around it.

Shit, he was going to make me horny again.

“We had sex, and it was great, and I know we have no control over the mating bond thing you’ve mentioned so many times, but I’m still not your possession. You can call me whatever you want, but as far as I’m concerned, nothing has really changed.”

Except that I was looking forward to fucking him every day, assuming he was on board. And no way was he stupid enough not to be on board.

He didn’t respond, so I went on, “I’m still going to live in the Stronghold. If you broke it, you’re going to have to fix it. I’m not moving in with you. We’re not a couple. We’re just… friends with benefits.”

“You say that like it’s a term I should know.”

“It’s a human idea. Friends who have sex.Withbenefitsjust sounds more polite, I guess.”

“Thenwith benefitswould be the unseelie way of saying things.” His hands squeezed my ass. “I hear what you’re saying and respect your opinions.”

“Myopinions?” The annoyance in my voice was thick.


“Fuck you,” I hissed, rolling off of his body. “I wasn’t giving you my opinions, I was telling you what’s going to happen between us. You can’t fucking force me to be your wife.”

The sound of flapping wings cut off our argument.

“Wewilltalk about this later,” I practically snarled to him, my head jerking around as I tried to establish where I was and where I could find clothes.

There were only three walls around me, and none of them were actual walls. They were slabs of stone, curved and oddly shaped, as if they were part of an overhang that created an almost-cave.

Considering I could see trees out in front of me where the fourth wall should’ve been, I decided I really was inside some kind of shallow cave.

Calian crossed the room in two strides and grabbed a set of clothes off a rack of sorts that I noticed as soon as he was close to it. He was back at my side in a heartbeat, tugging the gigantic muscle-tee over my head.

“Better keep those breasts hidden,” he said playfully, helping me as I shoved my arms through the holes while also glaring at him. “They’re mine.”

I scoffed as he calmly bent down and held the pants out toward me. Despite my frustration, I shoved my feet into the leg holes. “Better get some pants on that ass,” I shot back. “It’smine.”

The gaze he gave me from where he kneeled in front of me was a hot one, but kind of smirky too. “Yes, it is.”

He slid the pants up my thighs. The way he looked at me while he did so made me feel like the fabric was his fucking hands on my skin.

Bastard can’t even let me get the upper hand when I sass him.

He was pulling his own pants on when a massive phoenix fell out of the sky, shifting dizzyingly-fast as he spiraled downward. The man landed on his feet without so much as a wince, despite the ridiculous fall he’d just survived. Or performed, I supposed.

It was the jacked guy with the buzzed hair and bicep tattoos, the one who had claimed I was one of his on that first day when they stole me from Earth. His gaze wasn’t nearly as intense as it had been when we met, but was now flooded with interest as it swept up and down my figure.