Everything smelled burnt when he grabbed me off the bed and pulled me to his chest, his eyes still silver. He was looking at me like a dragon, not just a man—and it was fucking hot.

Or it would’ve been, if I wasn’t so thoroughly spent.

My body felt heavy as he stood, holding me against him.

Electricity danced between us, the magic of our bond probably working in overdrive as it attempted to recharge us afterthat.

“I’m taking you to my mountain,” he told me.

I nodded against his chest, pretty damn sure that one or both of us had burned everything in my room, if the smell was any indication.

There was a moment’s pause, and then we shot up into the air. Lian shifted as we soared, my body glued to and protected by his as a massive cracking noise sounded.

Had he broken the fucking Stronghold?

A moment later, I felt the breeze on my bare skin. I could hear the flap of wings even though I didn’t open my eyes to see what was flapping. It had to be Calian—there weren’t really any other options.

When I paid attention to the place our skin met, I realized that I felt scales where his skin had been, and I relaxed slightly. He must’ve been holding me against his lower belly, in his gigantic talons. Enough of my body was covered that I knew I wasn’t flashing the world below us.

The rhythmic flapping of his wings lulled me into a thick, heavy sleep.


I wokeup with my entire bare, sweaty body plastered to Calian’s. His erection dug into my leg, my nose was resting against his neck, and his arms were holding me securely.

It probably should’ve made me feel trapped.

Instead, I just felt comfortable.

My hair was glued to both of us, the long strands stuck to our skin in random chunks, bits, and pieces. When I tried to move my head, a bunch of different strands tugged right back.

Yep, definitely trapped.

“January?” the big lug mumbled, his voice thick and gravelly.

At least I wasn’t the only wrecked one. “What the fuck happened?”

“We had sex.”

I scowled into his neck. “I remember that part, thanks.”

His hands gripped my ass. “Had to make sure.”

“What happened afterward?”

“A mating bond, I think. It’s a hell of a lot stronger than the ones between the other humans and fae, though.”

“Shit,” I mumbled.

“I have more power running through my veins than I ever knew was possible. Whatever the connection did, it’s far from a bad thing,” the man said, his voice low.

It was time to change the subject. “How long have we been out?”

“Sun’s rising, so a few hours. My brothers are probably on the way.” That last part, he said with a grumble.

“Your brothers?”

“The rest of the Wild Hunt. We’re the strongest seelies, so we work together to keep the unseelie bastards on their side of the world. Usually, it’s not a big deal. Sometimes it is.”