And fuck, that made me feel like I was in charge.

What ifsexcould feel like that?

What if he could get me off, too, and I could feel like that while he did?

What if I could actually enjoy myself while he was touching me, and lose it the way he had?

Fucking hell, did I want that?

My heart clenched.

I did.

I really, really did.

The connection, the relaxation, the pleasure…

Fuck, it was thrilling.

I couldn’t just go out and ask him to touch me though, could I? He hadn’t even known what a vagina was, and he wasn’t expecting us to fall in love despite our mate-connection thing.

But if he wasn’t expecting love…

Well, then maybe the bond between us was fucking perfect.

I could call the shots.

We could make each other feel good.

And the connection between us was so strong and permanent that even if we didn’t fall in love, it wouldn’t matter. We could just be friends who had fucking awesome sex.

Shit, that sounded amazing.

My mind was made up, as I slipped back out of the bathroom.

We were going to be friends with benefits.


Calian had changedinto a pair of clean pants and was sitting on the edge of the mattress, shirtless, when I walked back into the room. His arms were positioned on the bed behind him, his body sprawled out, somehow both relaxed and tensed at the same time.

Damn, what a fucking masterpiece.

His eyes tracked my movement like I was his prey.

I’d left my pants in the bathroom, so my legs were mostly bare.

His gaze stroked my skin. Though the room was dark, I felt like he could see every fucking inch of me.

“Thank you,” he said to me, his voice low and sensual.

“On Earth, weshowour thanks.” I sat down on his lap, and noticed his fingers dig into the blanket.

“I didn’t know if that would be welcome.” His eyes dragged over my face and then down to the swell of my breasts, where they lingered. “Nor do I have the experience you deserve from a man who would touch you.”

“Not all women want man-whores,” I countered.

He gave a low chuckle. “Do I want to know what that means?”