My thumb dragged over thechink in his scales, and my bare arm brushed against the side of his erection.

We both froze for a moment.

His cock bobbed against the side of my arm, the hot, hard silk dragging against me.

“Fuck,” I finally whispered. “Sorry.”

I carefully withdrew my arm from his pants, trying not to drag it over his erection.

“Do human women often apologize for giving a man the most pleasure he’s experienced in his entire fucking life?” Calian asked me, his voice gravelly.

My face flushed. “No.”

“Then withdraw yours, January.”

I bit my lip. “How does one withdraw an apology?”

“Usually a simple, ‘never mind, I’m not sorry,’ suffices,” Calian drawled back.

His cock was still bobbing in those fucking soft pants, though, and the damn thing was practically hypnotizing me.

I bit my lip harder.

Was I sorry for feeling him?

No, I fucking was not.

And I wasn’t about to give him a damned handjob, butwithdrawing an apologyseemed so pointless.

“On Earth, we don’t withdraw apologies. We just do things to cancel them out. Like…” I slid my hand into his pants again and wrapped my fingers around the top of his cock, squeezing him. He was so fucking huge, and I could feel a bit of his hot desire leaking on my hand from the head of him. “See? Not sorry.”

“Not sorry indeed.” His voice was strained.

I couldn’t help it; I pumped my hand down his length once, and then dragged it back up.

A snarl escaped him, and he grabbed his erection around my fist as it throbbed with his pleasure, soaking both my fist and his pants.

Shocked pride cut through me, and my body flushed something fierce.

“I am so fucking sorry,” he growled at me. “I—”

“No, don’t be. I feel… sexy.” An awkward laugh escaped me. “And powerful. That’s kind of a rush, huh?”

His eyes pierced me to the fucking soul, and he said nothing.

I slowly slipped my hand out of his pants, then stood and went into the bathroom.

His eyes tracked me the whole fucking way.

Soap lathered over my fingers as I scrubbed them clean, my mind spinning.

I’d never been completely relaxed with a man since I was attacked. I’d had sex a few times, just to prove to myself that I could, but I’d always felt like he had the power. Like if he wanted to, he could hurt me. And that had scared the fuck out of me.

But back there, with Calian, I had felt strong. Powerful.

All I’d done was touch him, and he’d erupted all over my hand.

I had done that; made him feel good.