“I’m not sure how this is supposed to work,” I mumbled to myself, feeling incredibly stupid as I looked around the room. “Calian?” I spoke his name, and felt a sort of magical tug in my chest that I couldn’t explain. “Calian, I’m… calling on you? Come here, I guess?”

My words weren’t very magical, but following them, there was a sort of shimmer in the room. Then there was a gigantic, bloody man was surging toward me.

He stopped before we collided, blinking in surprise as he looked at me, and then around the room. His pupils were dilated, and he looked even more wild than he had earlier.

I hated that I found it kind of sexy, and ignored the fuck out ofthatfeeling.

“I can’t believe that worked,” I said aloud.

His eyes softened slightly. “You used my full name; of course it worked.”

“That’s not a thing where I’m from,” I reminded him.

“Of course.” He ran a hand over his head, making his wild, sweaty hair stick up with blood. It was black, so at least the color hid the dark red fairly well. “Fuck.”

“You went crazy,” I told him, matter-of-factly.

“Not crazy. I knew exactly what I was doing. When your mind is shifted, things just look different.” His eyes closed for a moment.

I waited for him to thank me for stopping him from murdering more people, but he didn’t.

“I’m pretty sure you owe me a thank-you,” I drawled, putting a hand on my hip.

His eyes opened and narrowed at me. “I’m still going to kill any of them who refuse to back down. You’remine.”

“I don’t think you realize how annoying it is to hear that,” I shot back. “I’m not a fucking possession. What if I kept calling you mine and started attacking everything that looked at you?”

His eyes flashed, and he took a step toward me, stopping with his chest only a breath away from mine. He leaned his head down, and I tilted mine back. If I’d gone up on my tiptoes, my forehead would’ve kissed his chin. His voice was low and smooth when he murmured, “Then I’d be averylucky man.”

I scowled. “You are so full of it.”

“And you are so fucking beautiful.”

There was a tense moment of silence before I finally stepped back and shook my head, hard.

Maybe if I kept shaking the damn thing, I’d lose the interest in this damned fae that just kept getting bigger and bigger. He was a fucking enigma, and I hated how much I liked that.

“What do those guys want, exactly?” I asked him curtly.

His eyes narrowed. “To spend enough time with you to establish that you are in fact not theirs. Which I already fucking know.”

I scowled back at him. “What if you were them?”

“I knew the moment I caught the scents of the other women that they weren’t mine, just as I knew the moment I smelled you that you were. The fact that they’re too weak or too oblivious to do the same is not my problem.”

What a fucking bastard.

I had to admit that I could see his point of view, though. My world was every man for himself, same as this one.

“What would we have to do to prove that to them?” I asked.

“Seal the mating bond.”

That sounded like going through with a marriage, which was a hard pass from me.

“Or?” I pressed.

His expression darkened. “Meet them. Which is not an option.”