“You risked your fucking life already. They won’t dare put you in danger again.”

“I think I should go. Now.” I said curtly, though I didn’t move.

“On that, we agree.” His words were low and growly.

Before I could try to take a few steps, to walk away on my own, his arms were around my back. He pinned me tighter to his chest, then lifted my feet unceremoniously off the ground and hauled me back to the doorway.

Where he proceeded to set me down on my feet.

And then he stepped back, and shut the door.

I stared at the back of the thing like it could answer the many concerning questions running through my mind.

But it couldn’t.

“Wow,” Sunny remarked.

She was sitting on the floor, having apparently pulled a couch up close enough to see out the door. Mare sat next to her, and I swear they would’ve been eating popcorn if any was available.

“That was better than a fucking movie theater,” she added.

“Are you as confused as I am?” I asked her, looking between both of them. “Did you see everything?”

“Yes to both questions,” Mare said.

A loud crashing noise had all three of us jerking our gazes back to the window, where we saw that the men had resumed fighting. Only now, they were fighting in their beast forms. Things looked… more intense.

And bloodier.

“I’ve got to stop this before someone dies,” I told the girls. “How?”

“You’ve got to put some clothes on,” Sunny corrected me. “Going out there naked isn’t going to do a damn thing.”

She was right.

I needed to stop them, though.

Calian had seemed mostly sane before he was surrounded by guys trying to… what, talk to me? Meet me? Sniff me? He’d already threatened the hell out of them to the point where I didn’t think any of them would dare try to touch me.

If it would stop them from killing each other, I’d meet every damned fae and each of their dogs. There was nothing that stuck with a person the way a death did.


Despite all of the insanity, I still shuddered as the face of my foster dad crossed my mind.

“I need to get him away from them,” I said aloud. “And alone. Using his name is supposed to call on him. Do either of you know what that means exactly?”

Both girls shook their heads.

“Guess I’m going to find out.” I paused. “After I get dressed.”

I jogged over to my room, which thankfully wasn’t far, and slammed the door shut behind me.

After grabbing the first pair of fireproof clothes I could reach, I tugged the charcoal-colored tank over my head. The straps were spaghetti-style, but felt plenty sturdy as it settled into place. And Dots was right; it did somehow hold my boobs in the way a bra should—only far more comfortably.

After grabbing the first pair of fireproof clothes I could reach, I tugged the charcoal-colored tank over my head. The straps were spaghetti-style, but felt plenty sturdy as they settled into place. And Dots was right; it did somehow hold my boobs in the way a bra should—only far more comfortably.

The shorts were just as comfortable, and for once, I was glad I had ignored my first instinct.