Calian ripped me backward, his back crashing to the dirt loud enough to rattle both of our bones. He rolled us both, twice, before we stopped. In an instant, he was crouched over me, shifting and roaring.

I gawked upward as the gorgeous man morphed into a massive gray dragon.

Some of the fae scattered.

Others shifted too.

And in a few moments, I was flat on my back, staring out at a group of mystical creatures in shock.

There were dragons.

There were phoenixes.

There were basilisks.

There were sabertoothcreatures.

There were even fucking fiery hellhounds.

Most of them were snarling.

All of them looked furious.

But none looked quite as pissed as the dragon above me, who had literal fire licking off his scales, curling into the air.

Maybe dragons didn’t onlybreathefire in this world.

Something thrummed within me.

Something foreign, and big, and deadly, and…


“Oh, fuck,” I rasped.

And then, I caught fire too.

It was like the thrumming thing inside me had gotten too big to stay contained.

I felt my body change.

It didn’t hurt—it actually felt good. Like stretching, but more dramatic.

My muscles and bones settled into their new positions, and I looked down at myself.

My gigantic legs—or claws, or talons, or whatever you called bird legs—looked as if they were made of gold. But the gold didn’t look solid, it lookedmolten, like it was moving or flowing, even though I couldn’t feel it in motion.

The feathers that met the golden legs were all the colors of a fire, with reds and oranges and golds and blues and whites melding together. Physical flames danced over them, rustling them as the fire swirled.


I was gorgeous.

And strong.

Though I wasn’t small, and was definitely fucking solid, I could just barely feel the dragon’s chest resting against the top of my head. He was breathing hard—and still roaring at the other fae.

I wanted to duck out from underneath him and spread the large wings I could feel tucked against my sides, but we were already in a shitty situation.