“If they don’t stop soon, I’ll go out there and break it up,” I said, biting my lip and hoping the fight would come to an end.

Another fae went down, and another, and another.

How long would Calian really last with all of those guys coming at him?


There wasn’ta clock to let me know how much time passed, but I waited as long as I could stomach it before going out there. I’d seen too many fights, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed watching them. And eventually, I got too fucking tired of watching Calian pummel people.

Plus, they were tiring him out. He was taking more hits—and his nose was bleeding more—the longer he stayed out there.

Something about that made me feel more nauseous than the way he knocked them out so easily. The fae healed so fucking fast that it wasn’t even a big deal to get knocked out, but his blood…

No, I wasnotgoing to sit around and think about why I hated seeing him bleeding so damn much.

“Good luck,” Mare murmured, looking more ill than my twisted abdomen felt.

“May the force be with you,” Sunny called, her fingers lifted toward me with the middle and ring finger separated. I was pretty sure the hand thing was something fromStar Trek, and theforcething fromStar Wars, and bit back a snort at the pop culture references.

I was getting slightly faster at undoing all the locks, but still struggled with some of the heavier ones. A couple minutes had gone by when I finally tugged the heavy-ass door open, and I reeled backward when I found the men fighting right outside the door. There were a lot more of them than I thought there had been when I’d been looking out the window, and—

“Get back inside and lock the fucking door,” Calian snarled at me, interrupting my thoughts.

His cursing—and his anger—surprised me.

He’d been sotamethe last few times we talked.

It caught me off guard, but I recovered quickly.

“Why thehellare you fighting right outside my house?”

Technically, the Stronghold wasn’t mine, or really a house, but I was rolling with it.

“Get back inside.”

His voice was rougher, and sharper. If I had been someone softer, maybe the change would’ve scared me. But I understood anger, and could tell his wasn’t directed at me.

“Stop fucking fighting,” I snarled back.

Someone’s fist collided with his temple, and he staggered backward a bit.

Fuck, that was a hard hit. Hard enough to kill a human man, at least.

Enough was enough.

I shoved past a few men, who seemed to be waiting their turns for a fight or something, and threw myself between Calian and the guy hauling ass toward him.

My self-preservation wasn’t really shining in that moment, but I had healed really fucking fast the day before.

And I was a phoenix, so according to my knowledge, I may as well have been unkillable.

Multiple men roared as two of the fae barreled toward me.

Time seemed to slow down.

The men’s eyes went huge; they couldn’t stop.

Adrenaline pounded in my chest, loud enough to flood my ears with the sound of my heartbeat.