“Those are actually way more comfortable than they look. I wear mine as underwear. Haven’t worn actual panties or bras in the two years I’ve been here.” She lifted the hem off her huge t-shirt, and my eyebrows shot up when I saw the short-shorts and tank top she had on. There was no way she could’ve known we were talking about those outfits, which meant she genuinely liked to wear them.

“Seriously, she washes them every day. It’s kind of disgusting,” Mare teased.

Despite their jokes, I was looking at the clothing items with a lot less anger now.

“So, he was being thoughtful,” I finally, reluctantly said.

“Mmhm,” Mare agreed.

“And from what I understand, now that you’ve found your mate, your magic will grow more uncontrollable, so you’ll probably start shifting soon,” Dots added.

Damn, I wasn’t looking forward to that.

Although, phoenixes were massive birds… so could they fly?

It was probably my luck to be a damned flaming flamingo, with wings that didn’t even fucking work, so I wasn’t going let myself get hopeful about that.

“Ladies!” Sunny yelled from the living area. “You’re going to want to see this!”

I exchanged confused glances with Dots and Mare before we all headed out of my room—but I did stop long enough to close the door behind me. Just in case.

One of the bookshelves against the wall had been stripped and dragged to the side, and the couches next to it were loaded with books. A large window was built into the wall, but had been completely hidden by the bookshelf the day before.

Through the window, I could see that a fight was going on. I couldn’t see who was fighting, but I saw flying fists, heaving bare chests, thick arms, and insanely-large thighs. There were a few people—well, a few fae—beating the shit out of each other.

“I didn’t know there were windows,” I said, my eyes glued to the fight.

“Ana hid them all behind bookshelves,” Mare murmured, her eyes just as glued to the fight as mine were.

“I’m out.” Dots beelined it for her room.

I looked in her direction, frowning as her door shut hard.

“Abusive dad growing up. Abusive boyfriend from sixteen to twenty-two. Life’s been a lot better for her since she accidentally got transported here,” Sunny told me. “And she wouldn’t mind me telling you. We’re a family, for better or worse.”


That made my throat close up, just a little.

One of the guys slammed his fist into another’s face, knocking him out.

I winced at the sight—and then froze when Calian grabbed the next guy.

He was the one who had knocked the other one out.

Oh, fuck.

“Is this my fault?” I asked aloud.

“I’m thinking yes…” Mare trailed off.

Another two gigantic guys went down.

Calian was a fuckingbeast.

Sunny whistled. “Guess we know why he’s sort of their king.”

My gaze jerked toward her. “He’swhat?”