No point in thanking her for wishing me luck. Luck had never been what kept me alive.

If she was going to wish me something, I’d rather she wish me good food and a safe place to rest my head.

The person at the door knocked again, louder.

“The seelie won’t wait—but the unseelie will,” Ana murmured, as she started across the room.“Remember that. The seelie are the wild ones—there’s no control here.”

Fuck, I liked the sound of that.

No control.

No power-obsessed bastards who thought they could own you

No one to figuratively hold you by the tits or the throat.

I’d take a fist fight over a verbal battle any fucking day of the week.

Everyone followed Ana to the door, myself included, though I trailed behind at the back of the group. Mare walked beside me, not leaving me behind.

“Who’s next?” I murmured to her.

“Me,” she admitted, her gaze a bit wistful. “I’ve been hoping for a seelie fae to come knocking at the door for me, but it hasn’t happened. Something about the unseelies just seems… cold. You’ll see, when one of them shows up for Ana. The other girls prefer that, but… not me.”

I nodded, my damned curiosity flaring a bit.

The safer I felt, the more the ridiculous character trait seemed to grate on me.

“Remember,always answer with a weapon pointed at the fae,” Ana warned us, as she began undoing the locks. “Don’t accept invitations from fae who haven’t been camped outside for more than three months. Trust each other—and no one else.”

Damn, that sounded like a shitty way to live.

Then again, I lived by most of those rules myself. So I couldn’t exactly argue.

“Don’t worry about me,” she added. “I’ll fuck up any fae who tries to touch me, seelie or unseelie. I’ll see you ladies soon.”

With that, she pulled the door the rest of the way open.

There was a knife in her hand, though—keeping the fae away from her.

“Ana,” a familiar voice drawled.

My body tensed.


“Lovely to see you again. Let me introduce my friend, Druze.” Calian gestured toward a man beside him. He was just as tall as Calian and the other gigantic fae I’d met, but had short, wavy blond hair, pale skin, and was wearing something that resembled office clothing back on Earth—a button-down shirt, and pants that resembled slacks.

“Basilisk,” Ana hissed at the man.

His lips curved upward wickedly. “Pretty little human.” He said the last word like it disgusted him.

Ana muttered something that sounded suspiciously like, “I wish,” but the man’s gaze had already lifted to the rest of us, and was slowly dragging over our group. Something about the intensity of his gaze as it landed on me made me shudder slightly.

“Brother.” Calian’s voice was clipped as he smacked the basilisk dude on the back. “Eyes off that one. January is mine.”

The basilisk’s gaze skidded to Calian, flooded with interest.

I didn’t hear whatever he said to Calian—the wordsJanuary is minewere thundering too loudly in my mind.