Page 21 of Grimm

His gaze comes to mine, and he gives me an assessing look before turning away and handing the baby off to my mom.

My mom.

She knows and didn’t warn me. Just told me to get to the clubhouse.

And I find out Grimm’s got a kid, a baby at that.

Oh my God.

This can’t be happening.


I hear his voice, I see him, but it’s too much. Everything is just too much.

I feel myself going down, and I know what I fear most is about to happen.



“Apricot,” Sabrina screams from behind me as I jump the rest of the distance between my woman and me.

I catch her before she hits the ground and hold her to me as she starts shaking uncontrollably.

Fuck, she’s having a seizure.

“Sabrina,” I call out, not needing to, considering the woman was kneeling across from me.

Sabrina guides me through what to do with Apricot. The way she handles it, like it’s something that she deals with every day amazes me. Still, this shit is scary as fuck. Moments later, my woman’s body goes still, and it seems to have subsided.

“Come on, let’s get her off the floor and into a bed,” Sabrina mutters, picking up Apricot’s purse.

I nod and lift my woman into my arms and stand. Apricot’s head balances on my shoulder, and a part of me feels this is my fault. Maybe I should have gone to her, but I didn’t know she was gonna end up having a seizure.

Shit, she probably thought the kid was mine. Technically now he is, but that’s a whole different story.

In my room, I lay her down, and Sabrina moves in and sits next to her, examining her daughter to make sure she’s okay. Sabrina then surprises me by going through Apricot’s purse and mutters a curse as she pulls out a prescription bottle.

“Why didn’t she tell me? Damnit.” Tears roll down Sabrina’s cheeks, and if it wasn’t for Apricot being mine, I’d leave, giving her space. I also want to know what she’s talking about.

“Tell you what?” Scorpion asks from where he stands silently next to me.

Sabrina holds the bottle up and waves it. “This is a prescription for epilepsy,” she announces and I stiffen at the news. “She didn’t say anything.” The woman shakes her head and stands. “If I knew . . .”

“You know now, sweetheart,” Scorpion says, moving into his woman.

“What do we do now?” I ask, my eyes glued to my woman.


She’s got a condition and never once said anything. Why? Shit, how long had she had it? She knew she had it without saying anything to those around her.

“We wait for her to come to,” Sabrina says. “Since I don’t know everything about what’s going on, I’m not sure how long it’ll take her. It’s different for everyone. She’ll probably be tired, weak, confused, and have a headache. But we’ll see.”

I nod and move to sit next to her. “I should have gone to her and talked to her instead of asking you to get her to come here.”

“You couldn’t have known this would happen.” Sabrina sighs. “I’m going to go get Justice. You stay here with her and let me know when she wakes.”