Page 9 of Grimm

“I’ve already told him to leave, Tripp,” I murmur, wanting to go find the biggest hole to climb in and hide from the world.

“Is that so?” Tripp says, turning his attention to Grimm. “The lady tells you to leave, you best be doing what she says.”

“That won’t be happening,” Grimm declares, steely. “And you can go. The date you two had has been canceled. I’m sure you already figured that one out for yourself.”

“Don’t think so, Blaine Kingston, or should I call you Kings?" Tripp asks, surprising me.

“No one calls me by that name anymore,” Grimm states, releasing me to step forward.

“It’s your name.” Tripp holds his ground.

“Maybe on paper, but we both know I’m not Kings. That was a long fuckin’ time ago.”

“Um . . . does someone what to fill me in? I don’t know what you two are talking about,” I say, attempting to intervene.

“Don’t worry about it, Apricot,” Grimm says.

“I think she should worry about it. She should know who she’s gonna have in her bed if she chooses you. Don’t you think?”

Whoa, what does Tripp mean by that?

“Sanchez, I suggest you fuckin’ get the hell out of here and stay the hell away from Apricot and me,” Grimm snarls, getting directly in Tripp’s face, the two of them nose to nose.

Oh boy.

This isn’t good. If they come to blows, not only will it be my fault, but it could end up with both of them in trouble. Feeling sick to my stomach, I do the one thing I hope will work. “How about both of you leave? Or at least take your toe-to-toe outside. I don’t want or need to deal with it.” I point to the still-open door. “Close the door on your way out,” I order and spin on my heel, heading to the back of my townhouse and out the back door.

I don’t care right now if they leave or not. They can deal with whatever is happening between the two of them. Me, I’m not about to stick around and listen, let alone watch. I make my way through the alleyways that lead between the few townhomes. I walk until I get to the park that sits on the edge of the complex. I find a spot under an old cedar tree and sit with my knees pulled up enough to wrap my arms around them.

I lean my head against the trunk and sigh, wondering when my life got to be complicated. Never before has it been like this, even at what I would have thought was the worst of it. Now, just as I finally decided to move past it all and hopefully find someone I could be with, Grimm is declaring I’m his, and I don’t know what to do with that.



“You gonna let her get away?” Tripp asks, the both of us hearing the door slam closed behind Apricot.

“I know where she’s going.” I shrug, speaking the truth. Since she moved in, she’s been known to go for walks and always ends up at the park. I don’t need to go looking for her.

“If that’s so, why not go after her?” Tripp snarks.

“Because I fuckin’ knowmy womanand I know she’ll be back.” I make sure to point out the fact Apricot is my woman.

“If she was yours, she wouldn’t have been going out with me,” he points out.

“Slight misjudgment on her part,” I retort. “And it’s one that won’t happen again.”


“You wanna leave?” I invite, more than ready to be done with this shit.

“I think I’ll stick around,” Tripp says darkly.

“I suggest you don’t,” I say, leveling a glare at him. “I also suggest you not bring up the past again. That shit’s not me.”

“Not you?” Tripp snorts. “Yeah, right. Last time I saw you, asshole, Point was talking about grooming you to be his second in command.”

“Things change. Just as they seem to have done for you,” I point out. “Life works out in strange ways, and I’ve never looked back.”