Page 8 of Grimm

“Dimples, I don’t have to break into this place,” he answers, and I’ll note still not moving out of my space.

I ignore his calling me Dimples. It’s something he and only he ever called me. Though those times were always special, few and far apart. I don’t think he’s called me that since I was eighteen.

“What do you mean? I know you don’t have a key, Grimm. My parents don’t even have one,” I inform him and shove against him, needing him out of my space. “And get back.”

“I’m not gonna step away, Apricot,” Grimm states. Sliding the fingers of a hand up until he’s curling them in my hair, holding me in place with my head tilted back enough to meet his gaze. “You should really look into where you move before doing it.”

“I don’t understand,” I mutter, confused by his comment.

That’s when Grimm grins devilishly. “I own the place, Dimples.”

At those simple words, it’s like the air went out of my in a matter of seconds. “No,” I breathe.

“Oh yeah.” That devilish grin grows bigger, and he presses me tighter against the wall, his body pinning me in place, my hands still between us. “Now, you wanna tell me what you’re doing dating a cop?”

“It’s none of your business,” I state, holding my ground on the subject.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Apricot.”

“No, it’s you that’s in the wrong, Grimm,” I lie. Well, not really. He doesn’t get to come in here and demand anything from me. “You’re the one who didn’t want anything to do with me. I moved on, and now you want to act like you have the right to know about me and what I do.”

“Guess you can say I changed my mind,” he says, leaning in to press his forehead against my own.

He . . . he changed his mind? “Are you insane?” The question is out before I can stop it and I shake my head. I don’t even want to hear his answer. “Get off me, Grimm, I need to get ready. Tripp and I have plans to . . .”

“Your plans with Tripp have been canceled,” he states matter-of-factly. “You ain’t going anywhere with him.”

“You can’t tell me what to do or cancel my plans,” I snap, glaring at him.

“Oh baby, I’ll tell you what you’ll be doing, and it ain’t gonna be datin’ some cop,” Grimm growls, seeming to lose his patience.

“I swear to God, Grimm, if you don’t back away and leave, I’m gonna kick you somewhere it’ll really hurt.”

“You do it, and I’ll make you kiss it better.” He chuckles, though he does step back. Marginally. He opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a knock on the door, drawing him up short.

“That would be Tripp,” I inform him in a whisper of relief.

Grimm’s eyes darken and a flare of anger flickers within them for the moment before that grin of his is back in place making him seem like the devil himself. I know he’d never do anything to me—not intentionally and definitely not physically—but that doesn’t me he wasn’t in the danger zone at the moment. Tripp knocks again, and Grimm yanks me into his arms, wrapping one around my waist as he turns us both to the door and opens it.

Mortified by his actions, I stand in his arms frozen, completely baffled by what he’s just done and not knowing what to do.

“What the fuck?” Tripp demands, his gaze zeroing in on Grimm and the way he’s got his arm wrapped securely around me.

“Long time no see,” Grimm acknowledges Tripp speaking through clenched teeth.

“You wanna let Apricot go?” I don’t miss the warning in Tripp’s voice.

“No.” Is all Grimm says.

Tripp brings his eyes to mine and stares at me with that assessing look he gets when he’s thinking. “He the one?”

I blink at his question confused as to what he’s referring to at first. But only for a second. He’s talking about Grimm. I nod and whisper truthfully, “Yes.”

Tripp nods as well and levels a glare on Grimm for a moment then brings his gaze back to mine. “You gonna let him keep up these games with you? Fuckin’ with your head? Your heart?”

I flinch at the questions because I was foolish to think I was able to hide all of this from him. From everyone.

This just proves how much of an idiot I truly am.