Page 4 of Grimm

Conversation easily flows after that and the four of us chat the rest of the time while we finish our coffees. By the end of it, Kasey and I are both laughing, and she’s lost the look in her eye that says she’s highly annoyed with her cousin. I also know that she’ll leave me alone about the shop.

My phone beeps getting my attention. I see a message from Fawn asking me to the house for dinner tonight. I answer and lift my gaze, feeling eyes on me. I smile at Tripp and then get a sexy grin back in return.

“We gotta get back to the station,” Sutherland announces, pushing up to his feet. He leans, presses a kiss to my cheek, and follows suit with Kasey. “You two don’t go causing any mayhem.”

“Who me?” Kasey gives him a look of shock. “Never.”

“Don’t be a smart ass.” Sutherland chuckles.

I giggle and stand. “I’ve got to get going myself.”

Nodding, Kasey also comes to her feet, and the four of us make our way out of the coffee shop. Tripp stops me by my car, his hand resting on my upper arm.

“How about I take you to dinner?” he asks, shocking me further.

“Um, I can’t tonight,” I answer, biting my lower lip.

“What about tomorrow night?” he suggests.

“Tomorrow night, um . . .” God, what is up with me mumbling? Tripp asked me out on a date, and I can’t seem to answer him. This is all Grimm’s fault. At the notion, I nod. “I’d love that.” I smile, hoping he doesn’t see the inner turmoil racing through me.

“Great. Let me get your number, and I’ll text you. You can send me your address, and I’ll pick you up at six. How’s that sound?”


The two of us exchange numbers and Tripp gives me another one of his grins before reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

“I’ll see you tomorrow evening,” he says before pivoting on his heel and walking away. I stand there in the open door to my car and watch him as he does so.

If there’s one thing I’m sure of about Tripp, it’s that the way he walks in them jeans is one hell of a sight. I mean he gives Grimm a good run for his money, and I’ve watched that man walk around for years now. The difference between the two, though, is that it seems Tripp’s actually interested in me where Grimm isn’t, and it’s time for me to move on.

I just hope it’s as easy as just thinking it to make it happen.

* * *

Sitting at the dinner table next to Fawn, I toy with the food on my plate. After leaving the coffee shop, I went to the building I was going to be leasing and got more of an idea of where to begin. Figuring out what I needed to do once everything was ready to roll. By the end of the week, I should be all set and papers will be signed with the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed.

When I finally made it home, I noticed a text from Tripp saying he enjoyed meeting me today and was looking forward to getting to know me. This commenced us texting back and forth until it was time for me to leave for Viking and Fawn’s house.

“Apricot, you okay?” my mom asks, getting my attention.

I nod, giving her a smile. Upon arriving five minutes late, I realized it wasn’t just me over for dinner. But my parents, Ice and Peyton, Hydra, Rock, and Sabotage were all here. “I’m fine.” It’s a total lie and I’m not about to sit here and talk about it with anyone right now. Because the more I think about it the more I find myself confused.

I’ve always been in love with Grimm. From the first time I realized what I was feeling until this very day. I can’t help it. But I get the feeling if I would just open myself up, I could really like Tripp too. Throughout our texting earlier I kept comparing the two and wondering if Grimm would ever be so easygoing with me.

I swear I’m a glutton for punishment.

My mom eyes me closely, her brows creasing in the middle in a way I know she’s got something on her mind. Mom and I are close, and we don’t keep secrets from each other. Well, not many. She tells me things she can, and I tell her what’s been going on with me for practically my whole life. Except for how I feel for Grimm, but she’s not a stupid woman. No one can say that Sabrina is anything of the sort. She’s the most intellectual woman I know.

“Why don’t I believe you?” she finally asks.

“I don’t know, but there’s nothing to worry about. Honestly.” I fork up a bit of the vegetables and lift them to my mouth, hoping my mom will drop the subject.

“Now, we all know that isn’t true,” my dad speaks up, entering the conversation as everyone looks at me.

“Truth. Haven’t had you around the clubhouse in weeks now, and that ain’t you.” Viking grunts leaning back in his chair, arm stretched forward in front of him, the palm of his hand flat to the table. “What’s going on with you?”

“Okay, someone want to fill me in on the whole third degree tonight?” I snap, straightening in my seat and narrowing my gaze on each of them.